Try this.
Copy the file to /tmp
Install manually
green panel (green button)>>yellow button>>Manual Install Ipk packages>>install file
Let me know if it works
Try with @KFL
I hope @Ev0
make an image update soon
I believe this crash is coming because of the console which they still haven't fixed ?
Another problem may be the USB stick
but the crash is due to the console coding not accepting the skin defined font.
You have skins for xtraevent on image server
green button>>yellow>addons and Feeds Manager>>OpenBH Image skins>>DOWNLOAD xtraEvent skin
You can download skins with xtraEvent in name
xb skins support baners and xp skins support posters
After download and install skin you have to select skin...
xtraEvent v5.2
(with dependent file download) if you have a newly installed image you need to install this file.
If you use an image where xtraEvent is already installed
you must be sure that everything is deleted/uninstall from the old version, otherwise you cannot install the new version...
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