Recent content by Matrix10

  1. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    This plugin does not use MSN Seems like a BBC forecast
  2. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    I don't have that problem I added three cities and Turin everything works.
  3. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    I don't know if you have tried this plugin which shows a very detailed weather forecast for several days including the graph.
  4. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    I believe it has always been that way that's why I didn't include that coding in the skin coding.
  5. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    It's only in the plugin and not in the skins ?? It seems to me that it happened before. But the plugin is not my coding
  6. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    Weather Plugin v2.1 I put the new version on the server, so you can install it directly with the box.
  7. Matrix10

    Weather Plugin (skins support)

    Try this. Copy the file to /tmp Install manually green panel (green button)>>yellow button>>Manual Install Ipk packages>>install file Let me know if it works
  8. Matrix10

    OBH 5.3 crashing when trying to format USB

    Try with @KFL I hope @Ev0 make an image update soon
  9. Matrix10

    OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

    That helps.
  10. Matrix10

    OBH 5.3 crashing when trying to format USB

    I believe this crash is coming because of the console which they still haven't fixed ? Another problem may be the USB stick but the crash is due to the console coding not accepting the skin defined font.
  11. Matrix10

    MX GrayDots X2B/X2P/XP/XB/ BlackShadow X2P

    Do not forget You must first install the xtraEvent plugin then skin. ????
  12. Matrix10

    OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

    Possible. Plugin unknown to me. I have no intention of testing and coding plugins and skins for them . There are hundreds of them.
  13. Matrix10

    OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

    You have skins for xtraevent on image server green button>>yellow>addons and Feeds Manager>>OpenBH Image skins>>DOWNLOAD xtraEvent skin You can download skins with xtraEvent in name xb skins support baners and xp skins support posters After download and install skin you have to select skin...
  14. Matrix10

    OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

    xtraEvent v5.2 (with dependent file download) if you have a newly installed image you need to install this file. If you use an image where xtraEvent is already installed you must be sure that everything is deleted/uninstall from the old version, otherwise you cannot install the new version...
  15. Matrix10

    OpenBh 5.3.009 Enigma2 Crashlog

    xtraEvent v 5.2 with plugin download working