Recent content by ml54

  1. M

    online update from 5.2 to 5.3

    yes. same with online update from 5.3.003.
  2. M

    online update from 5.2 to 5.3

    I was able to do an online update on my edision4k+.
  3. M

    Your favourite Box

    edision osmio4k+
  4. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    Good. Thank you...
  5. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    is there a "flash image" menu for osmio 4k+ ? the only option now is image manager with just 4 images type to choose from: I'm looking at purE2 image & others to load onto other slots.
  6. M

    oscam problem

    Try this file. you'll need an FTP program to install it. it will take care of the bin and config files.
  7. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    thx, but i think it is not the last version from 26/10/2022. it's still shows 23/10/2022 version:
  8. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    I did it it's booting but i'm not sure witch version is now:
  9. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    maybe this one:
  10. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    with DCC-e2, i can see this in tmp folder:
  11. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    No go. same story....
  12. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    osmio is wifi connected, and needs it for online update...
  13. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    There is no multiboot file for osmio plus, as it was before: there is a multi file for h7: "openbh-5.1.011.release-zgemmah7-afce790e_multi". that's why there is no problems with h7 !!!!
  14. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    that's the only log there is: "ipkgupgrade.log", but it can no be attached here ?!?!?!?
  15. M

    Last update for osmio4k plus

    without ip address assigned in initial setup?