Recent content by Panther-6

  1. P

    Question to Kodi

    Hello, I have installed OpenBH 5.5.1 on my VU+ Uno 4K SE and it is working fine. Thank you for this image. But I cannot find Kodi in the extensions. Is Kodi not available for my box anymore?
  2. P

    HDMI-CEC question

    Hello, first sorry for my bad english. My problem is: I have not changed the setting on my VU+ Uno 4K SE with OpenBH 5.3. When I use the button for standby on my VU+, then my TV (Toshiba L7363DG) goes to standby, too. But when I use the button for deepstandy on my VU+, then there is no reaction...
  3. P

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    I tried following: After downloading OpenATV image, I could choose slot 2 or 3, I took 3 and it worked well. Then I downloaded OpenVIX image and could choose slot 2. Now I can see all three slots under menu - standby & restart - multiboot Image selector.
  4. P

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    I flashed and selected multiboot this time, but under "menu - standby & restart - multiboot Image selector" I only see two options: 1. Recovery Mode: Boot to Access Recovery Options 2. Slot 1 eMMC: OpenBH 5.3 Tel 015 (07-02-2024) (Current) Why I can not see the others slots? My box is VU+ Uno...
  5. P

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Thank you for your reply. I changed to MX-Slim-Line NP, but again no multiboot option under menu - Standby & Restart. Is there another way or must I flash the OB Image again?
  6. P

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Hello, I have a VU+ Uno 4K SE with OB 5.3.015. Under Menu - Standby & Restart I can't find the option for multiboot. There are only standby, power off, reboot and restart enigma2. Where can I find the option for multiboot please?
  7. P

    USB Wifi - which?

    I used USB WiFi-Stick with rtl8811au / rtl8822au before and now I am using an USB WiFi-Stick with 8811cu / rtl8821cu. All working out of the box.
  8. P

    Recording IPTV on Vu+ Zero

    Hello manbusu, I use OpenBH 5.3 on my VU+ Uno 4K and SE and can record IPTV (taken from OpenHDF 7.3) without problems. But when I enable serviceapp - exteplayer3, recording is not possible.