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  1. M

    Official OpenBh 5.0 for Octagon SF8008

    Entra nel menu dei ricevitori, rete, password e imposta una password tradotto da Google
  2. M

    Help TP-LINK TL-WDN5200 driver-free dual-band USB wireless network card driver

    It sounds like you need a compatible driver, which no doubt a programmer will add, when they notice the problem.
  3. M

    Help TP-LINK TL-WDN5200 driver-free dual-band USB wireless network card driver

    Which image, and version, do you have installed? You have posted in the wrong section, this is for Italian Support, I'll report it and try to get your thread moved to a more appropriate section.
  4. M

    media/hdd files

    What make/model receiver are you using? Do you have an internal hard drive, or are you using a USB device, or network storage? Which version of openBh have you installed? With an internal hard drive the folder is usually media/hdd/movie
  5. M

    oscam problem

    You don't need to load a .ipk file, anymore, you can do it via your menu, plugins, download plugins, and select your desired softcam. When loading a .ipk file, using Filezilla, or other FTP program, you have to transfer it to the tmp folder, via your PC, then install it on your receiver, by...
  6. M

    oscam problem

    How have you installed it? Via the plugin menu, and downloaded the softcam? Have you pressed the blue button, on your remote, and see the oscam version installed? It will say you have 2 cams, or more, installed, which you select by pressing the < > arrows buttons, and the the OK button.
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    ipk files not working in openbh 5

    You might want to download softcam concierge, a very useful tool, especially for turning a line, into configs folder, for use in Oscam.
  8. M

    ipk files not working in openbh 5

    etc/tuxbox/config oscam version, or other cams installed
  9. M

    ipk files not working in openbh 5

    You no longer need to use an old .ipk file, which probably doesn't work in python 3. Just go into the Plugins menu, download plugins, and scroll down to the softcams menu, then install what you want.
  10. M

    Welcome to

    I think he just wants a larger font, for the downloads, as he might have visibility problems, although there are options, in Windows, to magnify the text.
  11. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Everything looks right. All I can suggest is that you uninstall the Kodi plugin, by using the red button, when in the plugin menu. Then using Filezilla delete the .kodi folder, and any other kodi folders, including in the tmp folder. Re-boot your receiver and try again.
  12. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Are you flashing OpenBh 5.0, or OpenBh5.1? You don't need to re-flash your image, unless loading a new image, or updated version, like 5.0. to 5.1, to remove a plugin, like Kodi, just go into the plugins menu, and press the red button, to uninstall plugins. If you post your crash log one of the...
  13. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Have you got an old hard drive, that you could try? Do you have any problems recording television, on the hard drive? Can you access the hard drive via Filezilla, and copy video files, from your PC, to the hard drive, then view them, on your receiver?
  14. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Sounds like it might be faulty, or the cables aren't connected fully, or are faulty, or a fault on the motherboard. Strange that you're using a 320GB hard drive, that's new, as that's quite small, by todays standards.
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    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Yes, you need an internal hard drive, or an extenal storage device, for the .kodi folder. Do you have a faulty hard drive? If you have an old, spare, one try that, just to test, as long as it's SATA it should work..
  16. M

    aggiornare la 5.0.013 in flash,senza reinstallare exnovo

    5.0.013 è l'ultima versione di OpenBh 5.0, è necessario aggiornare a OpenBh 5.1, per eventuali ulteriori aggiornamenti. Tradotto usando google
  17. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Have you set up your download options, in your Kodi addon yet? I find streaming to be stop/start, so i download, (record), available streams, to my hard drive, which allows me to view them, when i want.
  18. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    If you need to uninstall your .kodi folder, or check if your HDD has one; Open Filezilla, and connect to your receiver. click on the Server tab, top left next click Forcen showing hidden files you should now see the .kodi folder in hdd.
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    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Installing the Kodi plugin automatically puts files, on your hard drive, and stores all information, from your addons. If you've installed Kodi before, from an old plugin, then these might be causing the problem. Try flashing your receiver with OpenBh 5.0, and see if kodi 19.4 installs...
  20. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    When I tested OpenBh 5.1, I discovered that it only had the latest, testing version, of Kodi 20, available for download, but it did install. on my VU+ duo 2, but when I tried to run my old video addons it crashed, as they were not suitable, for Kodi 20. Have you tried installing OpenBh 5.0, and...