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  1. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    You can install any Oscam file, using the same method you did with Black Hole. Place the .ipk file into the tmp directory then manually install it from your receivers menu.
  2. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    Yes, you activate softcam by pressing the Blue Button, on your remote, and selecting the installed softcam. You should then find it in etc/tuxbox Personally I use Oscam-Latest.
  3. M

    Install OpenBh on Vu+ duo 4K

    So long as the password, you've entered in your receiver, is the same one entered into the utilities, then it should work.
  4. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    You can use any password you want. A lot of the old utilities, like dreamboxedit, had dreambox, as a default, but you can use any password. For question 2, go into the receivers menu, plugins, and press the button to download plugins. At the bottom of the list you should see Softcams.
  5. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    It works fine, on OpenBh 5.3. Have you set a password, on your VU+ Duo 4K? You need to set a password, you can do this via the menu, on your VU+, in Network, password. Don't forget to save, when exiting, and put the password in dreamboxedit.
  6. M

    Install OpenBh on Vu+ duo 4K

    I use Dreamboxedit, to transfer my files, but to get it to connect you still need to set up a password, and ensure you save the password, when exiting. You then need to imput your receivers assigned IP address, found in network, username, which is root, and password, under tools, options, then...
  7. M

    Install OpenBh on Vu+ duo 4K

    You need to set a password first, go into the menu, Network, and set a password, it can be anything you want.
  8. M

    Install OpenBh on Vu+ duo 4K

    Usually you load the vuplus folder, onto your FAT32 Formatted USB stick, not the files, inside the vuplus folder. But I haven't got a 4K receiver, so it might be different.
  9. M

    OpenBh 5.4.1 is now Available

    Just checked, and it works fine. All you have to do is wait, 10-30 seconds, then you should see a blue Download! message, you might have to close any adverts first.
  10. M

    OpenBh 5.4.1 is now Available

    You have to wait, about 30 seconds, then you should see a blue Download If you are seeing adverts, you might need to close them down, to see the blue download option.
  11. M

    Error in program list

    Now that you've reported the problem, and confirmed where the problem is, then a programmer can try and fix it.
  12. M

    Error in program list

    If using OpenBh 5.4, try installing OpenBh 5.3. If you aren't recording, a program, then you could try a full rescan, following a fresh installation, do not use any backups.
  13. M

    Error in program list

    That usually happens, when recording a program, as you can then only play another channel, on the same transponder. How many tuners do you have? Do you have any virtual tuners?
  14. M

    OpenBh 5.4.1 is now Available

    In OpenBh 5.3 go into the Menu, Setup, User Interface, Settings, and on the Show Second Infobar, change it to No Timeout. I reverted back to OpenBh 5.3 because of Kodi, so I can't check OpenBh 5.4, but it should be the same.
  15. M

    Vu+ zero 4k problem with ultimate image 5.4 and kodi

    After a brief test, of OpenBh 5.4, I was forced to return to flashing OpenBh 5.3, due to my favourite addon not working, using the new kodi. If you're using the same addons I advise loading OpenBh 5.3.
  16. M

    tuner configuration

    It isn't in the Advanced Tuner Setup, but the basic tuner settings. In advanced just select your LNB, set DiSEQc to 1.2, which is the motor settings, and enter your Latitude, and Longitude. You usually setup your tuners following flashing OpenBh, on your receiver, during the initial setup...
  17. M

    tuner configuration

    What type of LNB do you have? If you just have a single output, non FBC LNB, then just choose: Configuration Mode Simple Mode Positioner Enter your Longitude, - Longitude readings = East, = Longitude readings = West. Enter your Latitude. Then Save. You could also select the Advanced option, and...
  18. M

    please help me i want install skin cosmos vip last version

    Tenga paciencia hasta que un administrador pueda cambiar su cuenta para que pueda ver el hilo. Translated using google
  19. M

    Blocked Tuners VU+ Duo 4k SE

    I still think that your problem is with your tuner setup, regarding recording, and not being able to view the other satellite. Why not try the basics, set Tuner A, to basic, single satellite, Astra 2, 28.2E, with no virtual tuners, and Tuner B to basic, single satellite, Astra 1, 19.2E, then...
  20. M

    Blocked Tuners VU+ Duo 4k SE

    I don't see how you're watching both satellites, when your Tuner settings were both set to Astra 2, 28.2E, according to the images, you uploaded, on this site, but judging by the link, you have provided, those definitely look like Astra 1, 19.2E. If the tuners are configured correctly, then you...