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  1. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    You only need to update the bootloader, if the manufacturer finds a problem, and requires an update. You can locate the official image here: But you don't need to load the official image, just please do as I asked, early in...
  2. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    make sure you use the tools, available, e.g. dreamboxedit, to back up your channels, and bouquets, it makes it a lot easier to carry out a fresh installation.
  3. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    The download link, in blue, appears after a few seconds, if you see any advertisements, try closing them, to make it easier to spot.
  4. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    Is there anything else you've injstalled, that might be causing the problem? I think you should do a fresh installation, and not change anything, or install any additional plugins, don't even load a channel list, prior to checking the menu option is working.
  5. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    If it shows up on your PC, using openwebif, and it displayed during installation, then I think the problem might lie with your HDMI cable, which I can't understand, your HDMI output, from your receiver, or in your television, but I still come back to a display settings issue. A lot of possible...
  6. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    I think I now understand, when you press your menu button, bringing up the various menu options, it doesn't display on your television. Did it display during installation, when loading OpenBh 5.1? Have you tried altering your television, and receivers, display settings? Have you checked is it...
  7. M

    VU+ Duo 4K SE BT Edition osd not displayed

    Can you please provide more details. Are you stating that you aren't getting any picture, on your television, only on your VU+ display? Is it just extra information, you can view on your VU+ display, that your not seeing on your television? Can you please post the make/model, of your television...
  8. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    You need to set a password, in your receiver, either through the receivers menu, under network, and Password, or using telnet. The password can be anything.
  9. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Please describe your issues, along and post any error logs. Stating that the image has many problems doesn't assist the builders, of OpenBh 5.1, or help other users.
  10. M

    Download is of a Image not starting

    You need to wait a few seconds, if you see an advertisement, then close it, and you'll see the download link.
  11. M

    Vu+ 4K receivers OBH support

    Open images quite often support older receivers, including OpenBh, so support should last until your receiver is no longer technologically advanced enough to work with the latest images, which will be some time, as the extremely old VU+ duo has only just stopped being updated, to OpenBh 5.1, but...
  12. M

    Vu+ zero 4k

    What are the problems, you're concerned about? It is a small receiver, but you can add a docking station, with a hard drive, for recording. There are more powerful VU+ receivers, like the Duo 4K, with more input options, but that depends on what you want to...
  13. M

    Help-Box inactivity bh5.1

    Can you please explain the problem, you're experiencing, in more detail. My receiver doesn't turn off, until I select the various options, unlike my television, which took me manually changing the options, in a secret menu. When does yours turn off? Have you timed it?
  14. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Have you set up your tuner? Have you uploaded a channel list? What happens when you press the menu button?
  15. M

    VUduo 4k se ko

    Il motore potrebbe aver superato i suoi limiti e deve essere reimpostato, spesso c'è un interruttore, nella parte inferiore del motore, per ripristinarlo. tradotto usando google
  16. M

    VUduo 4k se ko

    Impostazioni del motore errate non dovrebbero causare un arresto anomalo. Per impostare il tuo motore, utilizzando USALS, devi inserire le coordinate Longitudine e Latitudine corrette, cosa che puoi fare utilizzando il sito Web di dishpointer, oltre a varie app o utilizzando Internet. Ricorda...
  17. M

    VUduo 4k se ko

    Puoi caricare il registro degli arresti anomali, lo puoi trovare usando un programma FTP, come Filezilla. Tradotto usando google
  18. M

    how to install openBh image into V+ Solo SE v2?

    Exactly the same way you installed Black Hole. Download the correct openBh version, for your receiver. Use winzip, 7-zip, winrar, or other program, to open the file. Copy the vuplus folder, to your PC desktop. Format your USB drive, to FAT 32. Install the vuplus folder, onto your USB stick...
  19. M

    OSCAM working in OpenBH 5.1 ?

    IPK files are not installed via the server, they are installed by using a FTP program, like Filezilla, transferring them to your tmp folder, then installing them through your receivers menu, providing that they are suitable for the newer python 3 images, like OpenBh 5.1. You should be going...
  20. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Log in to telnet then just type passwd You can also do it in your receivers menu, Setup, Network, Password.