Search results

  1. AlexWilMac

    Problemi strani della OBH5.1 col motore

    Come puoi immaginare da solo, non sono molti i possessori di motori: per cui, statisticamente, è possibile non ricevere risposte immediate. Invece, con i settings parametri strani ci possono essere sempre e il fatto che non dia problemi con la 5.0 non è garanzia al 100% che siano esenti da colpe. ;)
  2. AlexWilMac

    Volume Steps - how to adjust

    No. Volume has got 20 values. But my advice is to use the RC to control not the box volume but the TV one. Once you set the box volume by the OWIF or by whatever app for your smartphone, then you can use the TV volume. I, for instance, set to 100 the box volume and then the TV volume has got its...
  3. AlexWilMac

    Problems with DNS OBH 5.1

    Il Fritz ce l'hai tu e ce l'ho anch'io. Ma sicuramente anche altri router possono assegnare un IP locale fisso. Ma non tutti: -) hanno il Fritz o un router con questa possibilità (fatto raro); o, più probabilmente, -) non tutti sono capaci di agire sul router; ma tutto ciò non serve se agisci...
  4. AlexWilMac

    Problems with DNS OBH 5.1

    Sono anni che dico che non ha senso lasciare il DHCP abilitato: con quello che facciamo con i nostri box via telnet/ftp, è assurdo che il router sia libero di cambiargli indirizzo! Chi poi ha più di un box, diventerebbe matto esponenzialmente.
  5. AlexWilMac


    OBH is full of customization: which one you mean? If you mean MENU/Setup/System/Customise submenu? Remember to enable the "Expert" mode there. Or do you mean MENU/Setup/User Interface/Settings ? You also can use the BLU panel (BLUE 2x).
  6. AlexWilMac

    Suggestions or proposals to improve OBH

    This is not possible: those settings are in the file... settings, as a matter of fact, and it's included (by default, if you haven't changed your personal backup customization of folders) in /etc/enigma2. So, Personale Backup has always saved it. Apart from that, it's always a good idea to...
  7. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Never ever: is not an update but a version upgrade. But you can effectively use the Personal Backup to import your current configuration after flashing the new image if you don't want to start from scratch.
  8. AlexWilMac

    Problems with DNS OBH 5.1

    I personally use OpenDNS when I want something different from the provider's ones.
  9. AlexWilMac

    Problems with DNS OBH 5.1

    Because the box doesn't want Google to know all your private businesses and it's protecting you from them ;)
  10. AlexWilMac

    Problem mounting HDD drive

    As I said, I prefer CIFS because everything goes smoothly with it, either for NAS or for other boxes. But, de gustibus non est disputandum...
  11. AlexWilMac

    Problem mounting HDD drive

    No, zeberil: he's obviously talking about mounting over the network the Duo2 HDD to be used by Zero (as it clearly says he's got no HDD in the Zero). The mounting is not changed. I use CIFS as mount type. I suggest you not to edit the default names the mount provides you.
  12. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    To be clear: the content of the unzipped file creates a folder named vuplus and, within it, there are subfolders and files: you MUST copy the vuplus folder as it is in a USB device and flash according to your box (whom you didn't tell us, of course). Otherwise, if you have already a previous...
  13. AlexWilMac

    Need - Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) Enigma2 Plugin python3

    Yes, there are golden files and silver ones... Please. The only reason to keep a file is for people who have problems with their Internet or who live in countries which blocks some websites. Only... the files in our feed is different: if you trust the file uploaded here, use at your own risk.
  14. AlexWilMac

    Download from BH server

    init 2 and init 3 are commands you give by telnet/ssh to stop and restart enigma2 and make possible to edit the files!
  15. AlexWilMac

    Need - Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) Enigma2 Plugin python3

    ATTENTION: as already written in other threads, all these talks about Python3 compatibility are nonsense because when a plugin is already in the feeds of OBH 5.x it is surely compatible: if they are in the feeds, they are already compatible, otherwise I wouldn't have told you to download from...
  16. AlexWilMac

    Need - Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) Enigma2 Plugin python3

    It's where it has always been: Green/Yellow/Addons and Feed Manager/OpenBH feeds although OBH doesn't need it as BH, with its own normal functions. For instance, in the past EMC was the only way to select multiple files (by the REC LIST key) and then play them automatically. But also the...
  17. AlexWilMac

    image 501 time

    It might depend on the NTP server, not from the image: if you are not happy with it, there are plenty of others. But, obviously, you can always use transponder time. And you are invited to use an appropriate tone. I just told about my experience.
  18. AlexWilMac

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Exactly what I suggested. But there is no update whatsoever from a version to the next because is not an update. And that's why the user believed he couldn't find any online update.
  19. AlexWilMac

    image 501 time

    I've been using only NTP server for many, many years without any issue. Transponder time was a tricky option, sometimes, when it was the only one under BH. But OBH has always offered me the NTP server capability and I very much prefer it to transponder time. You can also find other NTP servers...
  20. AlexWilMac

    OBH 5.1 problem with oscam

    La oscam-stable che si scarica ha solo bisogno di puntare a una directory diversa per i suoi file di configurazione (anziché la classica /etc/tuxbox/config/ usa /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-stable Quindi, se preferisci usare il vecchio percorso cambi lo script di lancio (in /usr/camscript) dove...