Could I ask you to turn on the decoder
On your pc one command prompt,
Telent <ip address of your box>
When it ask for password digit root
Connect your dvd player
Put a dvd into the reader
Wait few second until the light stop blinking
Digit mount
Paste here the output of the command
Release an image for a box requires testing the image. Sometime it doesn't work after the first build and we need to connect the box to the pc with a serial cable to locate and fix issue. So to be able to release good images we need to have few samples of the box and a technical contact from the...
The procedure is complicated that's why has been created the utility to install it.
What you are asking is not supported but, but you can do that manally.
If you consider enough confident you can just install vuplus-multiboot as usual to convert the first image into a recovery image,
- then...
The current version of multiboot doesn't implement the protection of running kernel.
It was planned but not implemented yet.
When the multiboot was released we followed other important issues. Now is time to look into kernel update protection.
Probably you have startup files without multiboot kernel.
Take a backup of your STARTUP* file in / and reboot reinstall multiboot then restore your startup files.
The trouble shoud be the system date.
As you can see you log show 2024-02-12 instead of 2024-06-11.
This could happens:
- if you din't completed the wizard
- if you configured the grab of the date/time using a transponder instead of network and never tuned it
- if you configured a...
Si sarà incartato lo switch diseqc all'interno dell' LNB. Lo switch generalmente viene alimentato dai decoder stessi
In questi casi scollegare tutti i decoder dal cavo di antenna può aiutare.
La spiegazione che dopo un po' sia ripartito potrebbe essere che lo switch abbia al suo interno una...
Blackhole had a lot of plugins preinstalled..
I think that on openbh that plugin is optional. Please check in the software download for the dvd player plugin and try to install it.
Which box are you using? If you have multiple boxes could you try the same stick on another box? could you reboot your box, try to tune a channel and attach the output of the dmesg here?
This method isn't supported. opkg should depend to other libraries. Probably with this method some core library get replaced and the tar failed.
Forget an online update and start from scratch.
Yes and no... The multi boot implementation let you to do that, the multiboot plugin doesn't implement this possibility...
So if you format the hard disk as ext4 and you configure into the STARTUP script the blkid of the hard disk partition the image manager plugin will install the image into...
Questo plugin dovrebbe servire per impostare i timer da un decoder all'altro, giusto?
Mi dicono che partnerbox è per dreambox, pertanto non lo includiamo proprio per problemi di compatibilità.
Potresti provare remotetimer. Dovresti trovarlo nei feeds e dovrebbe svolgere la stessa funzione.
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