Search results

  1. Liquid

    Decoder Vu+Ultimo 4k bloccato

    Per aiutarti occorre che ci contestualizzi un po' la situazione e quello che vuoi fare... Stai utilizzando un multiboot? Openmultiboot? Kexec multiboot(quello nuovo)? Vuoi flashare la restore in flash o su uno slot?
  2. Liquid

    Tivùsat CAM

    All cam should work because they come from the same OEM. For example I own a SmarCam Tivusat HD CI+ and all should be produced by smartdtv. Consider that any enigma2 receiver isn't certified tivusat. However your stb should work with any of the cam you wrote if you install the right files into...
  3. Liquid

    online update from 5.2 to 5.3

    No, is not possible, you need a clean install (however you can backup your settings before the install)
  4. Liquid

    Problemi con multiboot

    Riformulo la domanda: dopo aver installato obh 5.3, durante il wizard hai selezionato la voce installa vuplus multiboot (o kexec multiboot - non ricordo come è stato tradotto)? Se l'hai fatto riprova e non selezionarlo.
  5. Liquid

    Problemi con multiboot

    La obh 5.3 ha integrato un nuovo multiboot. Per caso hai selezionato installa multiboot in flash durante il wizard? Se stai utilizzando obh da openmultiboot credo sia quello che fa casino.
  6. Liquid

    Problemi con multiboot

    Spiega meglio che prove stai facendo.. openmultiboot oppure kexec multiboot?
  7. Liquid

    How to access folders with samba in openBH

    just tried... openbh fresh install: opkg install samba passwd root (configured a password) smbpasswd (configured a password) \\\ (my box ip) when windows ask for user password put root and the password you defined
  8. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Hard disk connected to internal sats connector aren't supported by the wizard. If you want it you need to: - create a new partition, format as ext4 and mount it. - digit blkid and copy the uuid of the new file system - copy one of the usb STARTUP_6 slot to a new one. Edit the new file and...
  9. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Kexec-multiboot already support any device configured. If you place a correct STARTUP_XX file you can already use a sata drive. Is the enigma2 interface that still lack for this functionality. We didn't considered that useful at the beginning. Maybe is time to reconsider to support it.
  10. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    Maybe I should have considered that by default Windows hides the file extensions for known file formats... :-(
  11. Liquid

    obh5.2 obh plugin feed is slow

    Hi, I've just connected by vuuno4kse to do the best test as possible. I didn't notice any issue with feeds. Are you using a vpn? It might cause some issue with downloads... Samba is no longer pre-installed, it is on the feeds for those that wish to use it, but you will need to workout how to...
  12. Liquid

    obh5.2 obh plugin feed is slow

    please could you connect to telnet to the box and paste the output of the cat /etc/opkg/all-feed.conf ? thank you
  13. Liquid

    obh5.2 obh plugin feed is slow

    Thank you for reporting... we should have fixed, please retry
  14. Liquid

    obh5.2 obh plugin feed is slow

    Which box are you using? We have different server for feeds and more information can help us in identifying the issue
  15. Liquid

    Restore the original bootloader on Amiko Viper 4k v40

    During the implementation of the Vuplus multiboot I studied how the other OEM's implemented the multiboot on hisilicon platform. So I dumped the partition of my sf8008 with dd command and looked at the content with a hex viewer. So there is a boot partition, a bootargs partition, a kernel...
  16. Liquid

    Hauppauge Dual T2 Tuner

    Hauppauge come out with tons of new devices, with names similar to the old one (it remember me the hauppauge wintv nova TD) but with new hardware. Probably can't work on vuplus device since the kernel is too old and is near to impossible to backport driver from new kernel. Try installing lsusb...
  17. Liquid

    Does the Wi-Fi key work on vu uno 4k se ??

    By a quick search on Google it seems that it make use of 8188eu Linux driver. Openbh have the driver for this device and it should work ( if the vendor haven't release a new revision with a different hardware) You should install from software manager enigma2-plugin-drivers-network-usb-r8188eu
  18. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    The kernel is meant for blackhole. You could have unexpected behaviour on other image with some kernel module.
  19. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    I was able to patch the blackhole kernel for solo4k to work with this multiboot. I've uploaded it on the first post with few instruction. "If you want to install Blackhole_3.1.0 (or your backup) on solo4k you need to repack the image with the file kernel_auto.bin. Download BH 3.10...
  20. Liquid

    Vu+ Duo 4k se no lights on front panel after power outage

    For sure is the front panel that doesn't work. It could be the front panel broken, or the main board. Sometimes they put smd fuses or small resistors that have the same function. Try locating a local repair shop. Good luck