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  1. Liquid

    vpn wireguard

    Le vpn generalmente servono per raggirare le limitazioni per nazione/continente di alcuni servizi. Occorre collegarsi ad un fornitore di servizi vpn. Non so dirti se esistano servizi gratuiti, ma sicuramente saranno limitati per banda o traffico.
  2. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Kexec is the technology behind this multiboot solution. The kexec api in the Linux kernel supports some mipsel CPU but doesn't support the cfe bootloader used in vuplus boxes, so is needed a patched kernel both on the "recovery" image and on the guest image. So even if we would release a...
  3. Liquid

    5.2 recovery does not boot

    it seems you didn't read the documentation. you can try puttinga STARTUP_RECOVERY empty file on an usb stick. the box should be forced to boot the slot0/recovery image if that fails, unpack the image and leave in vuplus\boxname\ just the kernel_auto.bin and flash it. you should remove the...
  4. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Do you have the enigma2.log?
  5. Liquid

    Digitale Terrestre KO

    installazione pulita, nessun problema rilevato
  6. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    Is possible but you need to do that manually. I planned to do that with a program but I had no time
  7. Liquid

    OpenBh 5.2 is now Available

    You are using the slot0 I'm flash or a slot on usb?
  8. Liquid

    OpenBh 5.2 is now Available

    The driver should be available on the feeds. The file has been generated on the build server and is present in the Packages file... Please double check if is on the previous page... The list is quite long... Maybe you missed it
  9. Liquid

    iptables Kernel Modules missing

    I know... some iptables modules are missing... the kernel configuration come from the vuplus defaults. All oe-alliance based images should have the same issue. In the past i added something but probably some module is still missing. The boxes arent developed to act as a router so nobody paid...
  10. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    write in english and read the second post. if you used an unsupported image create a recovery usb stick
  11. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    I give a look at your plugin. We already implemented what you propose and is already included something more complete in our git. The code already install and let to choose slots on oe-alliance based image. If you want to help us it would be helpful a plugin to allow switching between slots when...
  12. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    There are issue with ofgwrite..I'll fix later
  13. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    after some experiment...i was able to see the partitions on 5.19 kernel but kexec doesn't support CFE and 3.13 kernel is too old to read an initrd appended by kexec kexec-multiboot on mipsel is halted
  14. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    I'm not sure I will have success with mipsel. I need to get kexec working. However it take a lot of effort
  15. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Update on mipsel: - vusolo2: kexec don't work with 3.13 kernel - vusolo2: tried to boot a 5.19 kernel, flash not recognized - vuzero: tried to boot a 5.19 kernel, flash not recognized, modified some stuff, flash now is recognized, but partitions not... Notes: the 5.19 kernel couldn't be used...
  16. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    This isn't the final solution yet. Is still an hack so I wouldn't spend to much time on a work in progress solution
  17. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    I was trying to get the TFT of my vuultimo4k to be active while booting the slot.. the idea was to show "booting slot X" I spent lot of time but I'm unable to get it to wake on.
  18. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    if with the first method you mean the echo xxxx > STARTUP, is outdated.
  19. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Blackhole menu never supported multiboot. If someone will develop a plugin I can try to inject it from the multiboot itself. About the kernel overritten, blackhole have by default openmultiboot... probably you messed with the omb menu.
  20. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    that patches are already included in the binary provided with this installer package It happens if you have usb slots slot["kernel"] = "%sp%s" % (device.split("p")[0], int(device.split("p")[1]) - 1) the string that they are trying to split /dev/mmcblk0p? as you can see they are trying to...