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    DREAMPORTUGAL for the United States

    DREAMPORTUGAL is one of the very few distributors or sellers of fta equipment that ships to the United States. I find their services and products to be excellent, original items. Questions about products and orders are answered promptly. Shipping of in-stock products is done quickly and will...
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    OpenBh 5.2.007 - motor issue

    The Demon Editor alo runs on MacOS, but I have never tried it. IMO, you should try the Demon Editor and see how it works on MacOS.
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    OpenBh 5.2.007 - motor issue

    I find the Demon Editor runs fine on Linux. What operating system are you using???
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    obh5.2 obh plugin feed is slow

    It might be a good idea to do a speed test as a check to make sure the Internet is working on the box. The test shown below will drop small file named ".wget-hsts" on the root folder of the box. This file may be deleted after the speed test is performed. You may also use the speed test plugin...
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    AB Pulse 4K (Motherboard)

    I would suggest visiting a board that is trying to fix the problem. OpenPLi has a thread titled "Pulse 4K HDMI-CEC". There are obvious problems, and how it magically works for some here and not others is a mystery.
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    AB Pulse 4K (Motherboard)

    Looks like the HDMI-CEC Does Not Work in my PULSE4k. I will look at this some more and see why.
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    AB Pulse 4K (Motherboard)

    Yes. I have the antique named PULSE4k. And those are the HDMI settings I use in it. My tv is an RCA, but I doubt that matters much because I have used the same receiver and same settings on other tv's without any issue.
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    AB Pulse 4K (Motherboard)

    Try the HDMI-CEC settings shown below. Works for me!
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    AB Pulse 4K (Motherboard)

    Post a screencap of your HDMI-CEC setup menu.
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    Was this log made After Flashing openbh-5.1.012?
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    There is no crash in that log. Anyway if you got it flashed and working, then don't worry about it!
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    if you can log onto the box using putty / telnet: Run these 2 commands. INIT 4 enigma2 > /tmp/debug.log 2>&1 Get the debug.log file from /tmp of receiver files. Zip the debug.log file and attach it here.
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    For you or anyone else having this problem, post the output in telnet or terminal after entering these two commands: init 4 enigma2
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    [BluetoothSetup] updated... BlackHole still alive

    Dead companies don't provide updates. :unsure:
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    [BluetoothSetup] updated... BlackHole still alive

    I am surprised VU+ updated bluetoothsetup. Let's see if they do anything in 2023....
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    Gigablue UE 4k gets stuck on startup after updating online

    You have the same log problem as in the link I posted. You may make a log using Putty/Telnet. Information on how to do that is in the link. Else, wait for the next update and see if it is fixed.
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    Gigablue UE 4k gets stuck on startup after updating online

    Maybe look in this thread? You will need to supply a log in order to make it easier to fix.
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    Last update for osmio4k plus

    Looks like you are on the latest version. To check using Putty/telnet: opkg update opkg upgrade reboot
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    Last update for osmio4k plus

    Looks like you are on the latest version. To check using Putty/telnet: opkg list-upgradable opkg update opkg list-upgradable Nothing should be returned either time after opkg list-upgradable is entered.