DREAMPORTUGAL is one of the very few distributors or sellers of fta equipment that ships to the United States. I find their services and products to be excellent, original items. Questions about products and orders are answered promptly. Shipping of in-stock products is done quickly and will...
It might be a good idea to do a speed test as a check to make sure the Internet is working on the box. The test shown below will drop small file named ".wget-hsts" on the root folder of the box. This file may be deleted after the speed test is performed. You may also use the speed test plugin...
I would suggest visiting a board that is trying to fix the problem. OpenPLi has a thread titled "Pulse 4K HDMI-CEC". There are obvious problems, and how it magically works for some here and not others is a mystery.
Yes. I have the antique named PULSE4k. And those are the HDMI settings I use in it. My tv is an RCA, but I doubt that matters much because I have used the same receiver and same settings on other tv's without any issue.
if you can log onto the box using putty / telnet:
Run these 2 commands.
enigma2 > /tmp/debug.log 2>&1
Get the debug.log file from /tmp of receiver files. Zip the debug.log file and attach it here.
You have the same log problem as in the link I posted. You may make a log using Putty/Telnet. Information on how to do that is in the link. Else, wait for the next update and see if it is fixed.
Maybe look in this thread?
You will need to supply a log in order to make it easier to fix.
Looks like you are on the latest version. To check using Putty/telnet:
opkg list-upgradable
opkg update
opkg list-upgradable
Nothing should be returned either time after opkg list-upgradable is entered.
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