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  1. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Have you checked that your VU+ Solo2 is genuine? Is your internal hard drive recognized, and is the recording path media/HDD/Movie, or have you changed it? Which image do you have installed, and do you have it on multiboot or in the flash?
  2. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    If your receiver really is the older VU+ Zero it might not be capable of handling kodi, which is why it's not available. Did you take a look at the link?
  3. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Did you try in the plugin menu? Go into plugins, press the green button, to download plugins, go into extensions and scroll all the way down to Kodi, and see if it's there. the VU+ Zero is very old, and has limited flash memory, I think it was originally designed as a second receiver, as it was...
  4. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    You turn on downloads option, in your Kodi addon, set the location, you want to download to, usually Media/HDD/movies, if you have an internal hard drive, then when you find streams, you press the menu button, and select download.
  5. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    you can find it in plugins, download plugins, and I think it's in extensions. There are a few addons, that claim to work with Kodi 20, but for now I'm sticking with OpenBh 5.0 and Kodi 19.4.
  6. M

    Problem with OpenWebif

    Can you open them in dreamboxedit?
  7. M

    Hello every one

    Welcome to the forum ABDELMALEK, at present OpenBh has not been developed, for your receiver. I'm sure that someone will look into this. I can see that Openvix, is available, but I much prefer openBh.
  8. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Found an old guide: You should still be able to fit a USB stick, as a recording option, but an internal hard drive is still better. Have you ordered the missing cables, or aren't you bothering?
  9. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Check the mount manager options, under network. Originally you went into the menu, to mount a USB stick, before connecting the USB stick, but I'm not sure if you still need to do this. There are still guides, available, if required, I'll try to find one.
  10. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    You can use a USB stick to extend your memory, or to use as a storage option. Have you configured your USB stick correctly, by going into the menu, setup, storage and initialize?
  11. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Do you have a genuine VU+ Solo 2? As you can see your receiver should have 256Mb in flash memory, but you can extend this using a USB stick. There are guides available. If you have a spare hard drive, why not fit that?
  12. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    Installing one plugin, like Kodi, shouldn't do this, unless you have a memory problem. I'd advise re-flashing your receiver, during installation.
  13. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    I think he has the newer, more powerful, Solo 2, not the old VU+ Solo. Providing it's genuine it should work, my old VU+ Duo 2 still does everything, I need, except 4K.
  14. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    You should have no problem installing Kodi, as it's just a plugin. If using the Kodi addons, for downloading, as viewing is choppy, then you need to set up the download options, in the addons, to /media/net, if that's the full path, or fit an internal HDD, which generally lies in the root...
  15. M

    Install Kodi on network HDD

    What make/model receiver are you using?
  16. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Lütfen tuner ayarlarınızı gönderin ve uydu çanağı kurulumunuzu listeleyin. Motorlu çanağınız, sabit çanak sisteminiz, birden fazla LNB'li veya başka bir sisteminiz var mı? Google kullanılarak çevrildi
  17. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Tuner'larınızı doğru bir şekilde kurdunuz mu? Dreamboxedit'in bağlanması için bir şifre belirlediniz mi? google kullanılarak çevrildi
  18. M

    Kodi sos

    Kodi 20, Nexus, is still a work in progress, and most addons aren't compatible. You can get Kodi 19.4, Leia, by running OpenBh 5.0, if available for your receiver, or wait until the addons developers upgrade to be compatible with Kodi 20, Nexus. The strange part was that the Dailymotion addon...
  19. M

    Kodi sos

    I am still using Kodi 19.4, Leia, in OpenBh 5.0, as I have an older VU+ Duo2, and my older addons didn't work in the new Kodi 20, Nexus. Have you tried installing any of the other listed addons, for Kodi 20? What problems are you experiencing?
  20. M

    Kodi sos

    Found one addon mention, for Kodi 20 Nexus: