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  1. M

    Audio problem

    I downloaded a stream, using Kodi, the Indiana Jones movie, but when I tested it the Audio didn't play, so I checked it in Kodi, and again no sound. So i checked it on my PC, downloading it using Filezilla, from my VU+ hard drive, and the Audio played, with VLC. I have taken a screenshot, of the...
  2. M

    Audio problems

    Running the latest OpenBh 5.3 on a VU+ Duo 2, and I've noticed a couple of Audio problems, which worked in OpenBh 5.2. First I got no sound, when feeding the VU+ Duo 2, to a DVD recorder, using a scart lead, until I changed the audio sound level options from all to HDMI. Then I noticed that the...
  3. M


    I have finally updated, from OpenBh 5.0 to OpenBh 5.2, due to my favourite kodi addon finally being updated to work with kodi 20, but now I have a problem, with the EPG. Just prior to updating channels like talking Pictures, on 28.2E, used to show at least 1 weeks worth of program guide...
  4. M

    KODI 20.0

    I was forced to load a fresh image, of Openbh 5, as the updates weren't working, to get from 5.0 to 5.1. When I loaded KODI, via the plugin menu, I was only given the option of version 20.0 Nexus, which is still experiencing problems, in my case it doesn't work, with my addons, including Scrubs...