Advise x CAM Tivusat


Active member
Hi everyone, I have an old tvsat smartcard (regularly purchased from tvsat-rai some yers ago) but as is known, the phenomena have decided that it should no longer work, to combact piracy (??????????? ?????????????????????).

Nowt, I would now like to purchase a certified cam with relative smart card (that also works for Rai4K) to use on my Solo4K.

I've seen several possibilities, but can anyone give me advice on the correct purchase?

Hello and thanks

the smartcams produced for satellite TV all come from a single company and are then branded: humax, zap, digiquest etc. so take the one you want apart from the price at which they are sold: they are all the same #SmarDTV Global SAS – 147, Avenue du Jujubier – ZI Athelia IV – 13600 – La Ciotat - France.
the smartcams produced for satellite TV all come from a single company and are then branded: humax, zap, digiquest etc. so take the one you want apart from the price at which they are sold: they are all the same #SmarDTV Global SAS – 147, Avenue du Jujubier – ZI Athelia IV – 13600 – La Ciotat - France.
HI, tks for answer, but I need to be sure to buy a working object: for this I asked for someone that uses CAM+smartcard tvsat on VU+SOLO4k