Blocked Tuners VU+ Duo 4k SE


Hi all,

I have a VU+ duo4k SE, with two FBC tuners, a dish with two SRC LNB-s (GigaBlue Ultra SCR-LNB / 24 SCR)

On the first 2 tuner I (Tuner A) is connected Astra 28,2° (Tuners A-H) and on the second Tuner (Tuner B) Astra 1, 19.2° (Tuners I-P)

So far everything works, I can switch between the satellites.

Problem begins when I start a recording. For example, I record a program over tuner A, than is tuner B blocked and I cant watch a program on the other satellite.

During the recording, I can watch programs only over tuner A. I can also start multiple recordings.

The same issue I have, when I start a recording over tuner B. Than I have no acess to programs on tuner A.

Settings Tuner:

Tuner A_LNB1_SCR1-SCR8 (Tuner A-H), Tuner B_LNB2_SCR1-8 (Tuner I-H)

Why is this happening? Same happens if I stream a program from Tuner A, I don´t have any more acess to tuner B. (Streaming over Android app: Dream EPG Premium)

Thank you for your help!!!


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How do you have the tuners setup in the image ?

You have mentioned Tuner A and Tuner B (which is actually the tuner Slots and should just be named 1 and 2 imo).

In the tuner settings, then Tuner A - H needs to be setup for 28.2E and I-P needs to be setup for 19.2E
How do you have the tuners setup in the image ?

You have mentioned Tuner A and Tuner B (which is actually the tuner Slots and should just be named 1 and 2 imo).

In the tuner settings, then Tuner A - H needs to be setup for 28.2E and I-P needs to be setup for 19.2E
Sorry for the misspelling. Yes I ment the Tuner slots. I configured Tuner A-H for 28,2° and I-P for 19,2°. All Tuners have a different user band.
Tuner A-H is set to LNB1 (User Bands 1-8) and Tuner I-P is set to LNB2 (also User Bands 1-8). The settings are all the same, as in the atached pic, exept every Tuner has it´s own User Band. For Slot 1 all Tuners are connected to Tuner A, for Slot2 all Tuners are connected to Tuner I. I receive all channels from both Satellites. The Tuners are blocked only if a recording is running, or I stream a channel to an android device.
Well the only thing I can think of, is if both lnb's are the same and you definitely have used the correct connector from the lnb for unicable, rather than the legacy connectors, then instead of using userband 1-8 on both lnbs, try 9 - 16 on the 2nd lnb (tuners I-P). Maybe the receiver is getting confused somehow as both lnbs are using the same userbands.

Also I assume you have no other devices connected to the lnb's using the same userbands ?
Well the only thing I can think of, is if both lnb's are the same and you definitely have used the correct connector from the lnb for unicable, rather than the legacy connectors, then instead of using userband 1-8 on both lnbs, try 9 - 16 on the 2nd lnb (tuners I-P). Maybe the receiver is getting confused somehow as both lnbs are using the same userbands.

Also I assume you have no other devices connected to the lnb's using the same userbands ?
Thank you for the tip, I will do it as you suggested. No the LNB-s are not connected to any other device, the only connection is from dish to this one receiver.
Well the only thing I can think of, is if both lnb's are the same and you definitely have used the correct connector from the lnb for unicable, rather than the legacy connectors, then instead of using userband 1-8 on both lnbs, try 9 - 16 on the 2nd lnb (tuners I-P). Maybe the receiver is getting confused somehow as both lnbs are using the same userbands.

Also I assume you have no other devices connected to the lnb's using the same userbands ?
I tried as you suggested, but there is no change. When a recording is active I can´t see any chanel from the other Tunerslot.
I am out of idea's then i'm afraid.

I only have 1 unicable II lnb and I can use all 16 tuners without issue.
Attached the setups of the Tuner. Slot 1, all Tuners are set to LNB1 with userbands 1-8. The same for Slot 2, also LNB1 with userbands 1-8. If I set the LNB (Slot2) to LNB2, nothing changes.
Slot1, all Tuners are connected to Tuner A. Slot 2, all Tuners are connected to Tuner I.


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You have all tuners set to 28.2E with the same userbands and lnb.

Tuners A - H need to be LNB 1 with userbands 1-8, tuners I - P need to be a 19.2E, LNB 2 and then as I said above, use userbands 9 - 16 (just to avoid the box getting confused).