
  • Thread starter Thread starter oxigen
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Hi guys

I have cock up my vu Solo2
I donloaded the image updates on the box
and now I get nothing
I have tried to reload Blackhole 7 but the box will not
take it.

Please help

Thanks Oxigen
Are you 100% certain that your receiver is genuine, and not a clone?

What are you getting when you turn the receiver on?

You state you have a VU+ Solo2 yet you have posted in the VU+ Duo 2 section, can you please confirm which model receiver you have and that you have downloaded a suitable image, for your receiver.
Thanks Mick
I have had it for about 4 years it is a genuine receiver
I did not know that VU+ was a new receiver I thought they were the same
wear can I find Blackhole for the old box ??????

Thanks... Oxigen
There are different VU+ Models, the VU+ Solo, VU+ Solo 2, VU+ Solo SE, VU+ Solo SE V2, VU+ Duo, VU+ Duo 2, VU+ Uno, VU+ Ultimo, and the VU+ Zero.
All images are produced for each version, but are specific for that version, thus if you have the VU+ Solo 2, as originally stated, you can load any Black Hole version, the latest being 2.1.7

Or Open Black Hole:
Just make sure which VU+ Model you actually have.
Hi Mick
I got it wrong it is a VU+Solo2
when I switch it on it shows the Blackhole picture and the goes to 720
but then it freezes.

I tried to reload the Blackhole 7 image but the box would not accept it.

Thanks.... oxigen
Try a different USB stick, format it to FAT 32, using your PC, before loading the vuplus folder onto it.
Are you following the guides, on how to update?

Power Off your VU+ Solo2, using the power switch, at the rear
Insert USB Pen Drive in the front USB socket.
Power on the VU+ Solo2, using the power switch, at the rear.
When prompted to update, press the Blue Circle (Power On) button on the front of the receiver.
Once the image has installed the receiver will automatically reboot.