I have recently installed OBH and after getting some hangs I remembered about the swapfile, so I went to set up a swapfile on the hdd and it failed. There is plenty of space. There was already an existing swapfile on the hdd from previous image install, so I deleted it via ssh. Still same problem.
Curious about this I decided to try and reinit the hdd through the menu, but it keeps crashing. Same with the device manager in Black hole apps.
I have attached two crash logs for each instance.
There is nothing wrong with the hdd as far as I know and timeshift and movies record to it fine so it's recognised in the system just fine.
Curious about this I decided to try and reinit the hdd through the menu, but it keeps crashing. Same with the device manager in Black hole apps.
I have attached two crash logs for each instance.
There is nothing wrong with the hdd as far as I know and timeshift and movies record to it fine so it's recognised in the system just fine.