How to build openbh for Zgemma H9S SE?

The image is great and unfortunately there is no ready build for my device, so I want details on how to build it from source for the Zgemma H9S SE device?
BTW can the build of a Zgemma H9 twin se be used? And what should I change in it if that is possible?

best regards.
Do you have a suitable computer that can be used as a build server?

You will need to use a suitable Linux distro such as: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Kernel 5.4.0) 64 Bit Server OS

Minimum requirements = RAM: 16GB SWAP: 16GB CPU: Multi core\thread Model HDD: for Single Build 250GB Free, for Multibuild 500GB or more

First you will need to build the image and the feeds. Then you will need to setup the computer so the receiver can "see" the feeds.

Building an image is sometimes talked about, but very few actually do it because it takes time and some learning.