mu3iptv plugin


New member
i upadated succesfully in 003 version and i cant find m3uiptv plugin course i installed it from feeds!
The Plugin is still WIP. However it is functional and can be used but it have to be configured manually.
The basic steps to configure it are as follows:

1. Create providers.xml file in /etc/enigma2/IPTV (create the folder if not exists)
2. In providers.xml a configuration to your m3u playlist should be defined.

Sample configuration looks like that:

The parameters are:
<servicename> - Specifying the name of your service provider (Same like Provider names for SAT services). It can be whatever you like.
<url> - The url that points to your desired playlist file (m3u and m3u8 format supported)
<offset> - this is offset of the line where actuall url to the service is specified. For example:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="tv.66", ServiceName

In this example offset = 1 because the url is 1 line down from the line which we use to identify the service (the line with tvg-id in the example definition above).

<refresh_interval> - interval in hours in which the playlist will be actualized (useful for playlists where urls of the services changes on interval). Normally that is -1 which indicates static lists.
<filter> - the way the service will be searched in the playlist. For the example above we search by tvg-id="tv.66" where 66 is the {SID} (that will be present in the bouquet)
<sheme> - for use as identifier of the provider in the bouquet
<system> - what type of service refs will be used - supports 1, 4097, 5001, 5002

3. Setup the bouquet (currently manually. Later by UI)

Here you have to create your service reference in bouquet manually in the following format:

#SERVICE 4097:0:1:15:49:5:DDDD0000:0:0:0:test%3a//66:Service Name

Ofcource the first part is a unique sref that you can use for EPG later if you want. The important part is the test%3a//66 That defines that we will use playlist with <scheme>test</scheme> and we will link to service with tvg-id="tv.66" where 66 is that {SID}.

4. After you define all that and restart enigma you can watch the playlist services directly in the bouquet of your choice and if the playlist changes by some reason (but the tvg-id/<filter> stay the same for particular service) it will be automatically picked up and played.
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