[Open BH 4.4] [Kodi 18.9] Missing dependency for IPTV manager



Hello all,
I would like to test legal IPTV streams, but I can't install IPTV Manager from the official Kodi repository, since there is a missing dependency : pvr.iptvsimple (version 3.8.8 is required)
I have found the source files on github (3.8.8, Leia version), but I don't understand how to install (or compile) it : Kodi says the zip file has an invalid structure.
Thank you for your help ! :)

Note : the hardware : Vu+ Solo2.
It could be great if someone could tell me how to compile it, the source code is available on github.
No make and cmake on the device, I'm quite surprised...
Please help ! :)
I've already found this script, but as I said, no make and cmake commands on OpenBlackHole image.
Really stange for me...
but there is a makepqg command, but I don't know if it could help me, neither how to use it.
EDIT : makepqg doesn't seem to help me :
# makepqg --help
Usage: makepqg
-a Output DER-encoded PQG params, BTOA encoded.
-b Output DER-encoded PQG params in binary
-r Output P, Q and G in ASCII hexadecimal.
-l prime-length Length of prime in bits (1024 is default)
-n subprime-length Length of subprime in bits
-o file Output to this file (default is stdout)
-g bits Generate SEED this many bits long.
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ok, but don't I need specific options ? at least, my archlinux is x64 architecture, it will not work on my Vu+ solo2. Other options needed ?
the main way is to build obh image adding the plugin you need in addons list in bb file
It's too complex for me, I give up.
If someone succeed to do it, I will be happy to read his how-to.
Thank you (all) for your help.
Have a good day.