I'm using a Vu+ Duo2 in client mode, and I just installed open multiboot. I have OpenBH 4.2.048 in flash and I installed OpenPli 7.1 in multiboot. Configured the Pli image to fallback mode so as to receive channels and EPG from my Server (also a Duo2 running OpenATV 6.3 image). After getting the channel list in Pli image and choosing my first channel -the response time from when I enter my RC command to the time the tuner responds -2 or 3 seconds go by. Every command is accepted from my RC, but it takes 2 or 3 seconds before the command is carried out by my Duo2. This occurs every time I give a RC command.
Why? Can somebody please tell me why? Seems to me using the fallback mode really slows things down in this case, but is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?
Why? Can somebody please tell me why? Seems to me using the fallback mode really slows things down in this case, but is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?