OpenBh 5.4 and wirequard

Good Evening. which version works for you? me at first it can't download it and then when it opens it doesn't connect to anything (nord vpn)
hello. i try with this in Octagon sf8008
root@sf8008:~# opkg install --force-reinstall /tmp/*.ipk
Upgrading enigma2-plugin-extensions-wireguard-vpn from 7.3 to 8.6 on root.
* calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for engma2-plugin-extensions-wireguard-vpn:
* wireguard-tools * wireguard-tools-bash-completion * openres
lv *
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-wireguard-vpn
I am using wireguard 8.6 for python 3.12 on Ultimo4K with nordvpn
@Ev0, I have been looking for that 8.6 plugin but I can't find the repository, do you know where I could download it?
I have an old version 2.6 that installs but it's obsolete and doesn't even hooks any server. If I try to update from inside the plugin it seems to update but at the end of the process and after reboot it just desappears from both the plugin list and the main menu but it is present if I go to the unistall list.
Do you have a clue please?
I have an Octagon sf8008.

EDIT: Never mind, I have found it and it works.

Wireguard 8.6
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root@vuduo4k:/tmp# opkg install --force-reinstall wireguard-tools
Reinstalling wireguard-tools (1.0.20210914-r1) on root.
kernel-module-wireguard: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-xt-hashlimit
@madhouse Can you advise ?
Well that shows you have no connection to the internet, hence the stuff needed to make it work, can't be downloaded.

Make sure you are not running a vpn on your router, as you can't use wireguard ontop of a vpn ip (well not with nordvpn at least).
Good Evening. i have no other vpn on the router and the internet connection is working since it shows the weather online and Ajpanel with iptv is working. also in other images and in OpenBh 5.3 it works fine. I can't figure out what's wrong. maybe i'm wrong somewhere.
The issue has to be your end somewhere.

As said I have it installed and working on all the above boxes, all boxes are using the exact same release image as you have.
οκ. I hope if someone has the same issue as me with an octagon with a dual tuner and finds a solution, let me know.
I just installed Wireguard 10.6 from Git Hub on Octagon sf8008 with openbh..
Seems installed, there is also an uninstall option on extensions..
But...I don't see a plugin feature (on plugin's browser) to setup wireguard...
Is there an issue with OpenVPN? (i can't uninstall it-there is no such option, but it seems stopped..)
What I have to do?
Please help..