OpenBH 5 History zapping


New member
Is there any way for VU+ Uno 4k to configure the history zapping to behave like in the BlackHole images. Right now switching to new channel is putting the same in the last place of the virtual history list. And if I want to switch to the previous or go back to the current channel trough < > buttons I have to go trough all channels already in the history. Also the positions of the previously watched channels are always moving around and its very irritating to remember where they might be.
Can it be configured like the BH images, when swithcing to new channel the rest in the channel history to be forgotten and the new one to become last and you can return to the previously watched channel with simple < button.
Its the only thing bugging me enough to not install the OBH on the internal flash and say goodby to the BH.
Press blue twice, go to Quick Options Setup then change History buttons mode to Just Zap
That is how is configured now and the history buttons <> on the remote are working just fine. The thing is that when watching for example 2 channels in history mode with <> buttons and switching from the first channel to 3rd, the new one is put on 3rd place without removing the 2nd and if I want to return to the first watched I have do go 3>2>1.
In my daily routine I'm usually switching between 5-6 different channels and in OBH there places are always changing in the history position without any logic whatsoever. This makes me use channel list selection from the menu and its very frustrating way to switch fast between the already watched channels.
In the BH image (and another few I have tried) if you watch 1 channel and you have 3 more already watched when switching to new one, this automatically makes it 2nd (last channel watched.
For example
OBH - watching 1-2-3 and switching from 1 to 4, to go back to 1 you must do 4>3>2>1
BH - watching 1-2-3 and switching from 1 to 4, to go back you only do 4>1 and the 2-3 are automatically removed from history, and 1 and 4 became 1-2
I don't know if the explication is understandable but will really appreciate some solution.
Menu/Settings/User Interface/Channel Selection

in this submenu, if you set the option
Enable panic button = NO
then pressing '0' (zero) will zap to the previous channel and then again to the last.

(There is nothing you can do in BH you can't in OBH...)
Is there any way for VU+ Uno 4k to configure the history zapping to behave like in the BlackHole images. Right now switching to new channel is putting the same in the last place of the virtual history list. And if I want to switch to the previous or go back to the current channel trough < > buttons I have to go trough all channels already in the history. Also the positions of the previously watched channels are always moving around and its very irritating to remember where they might be.
Can it be configured like the BH images, when swithcing to new channel the rest in the channel history to be forgotten and the new one to become last and you can return to the previously watched channel with simple < button.
Its the only thing bugging me enough to not install the OBH on the internal flash and say goodby to the BH.
Il problema infastidiva anche a me, l'unica soluzione che ho trovato è stata quella di modificare il codice, cosa abbastanza rischiosa da fare.
Ho aggiunto qualche riga al file
	def addToHistory(self, ref):
		if self.servicePath is not None:
			tmp = self.servicePath[:]
			# miamodifica
				del self.history[self.history_pos + 1:]
                        # fine mia modifica
Se si aggiunge un nuovo canale alla lista history partendo da un canale già nella lista i canali seguenti memorizzati vengono cancellati

The problem bothered me too, the only solution I found was to modify the code, which is quite risky to do.
I added a few lines to the file
def addToHistory (self, ref):
if self.servicePath is not None:
tmp = self.servicePath [:]
tmp.append (ref)
                                     # myedit
del self.history [self.history_pos + 1:]
                                      # end my edit
If a new channel is added to the history list starting from a channel already in the list, the following stored channels are deleted[/CODE]
Thank you very much s8un3no. Will try and report back.
If the above History behavior will be included as default for the image will be great as imho I find the current one kind of odd and none of the rest of OE images that I have tried behave like that.
Mi trovi d'accordo, non mi piace quel modo di gestione della history list tanto da modificare il codice

I agree, I don't like that way of managing the history list enough to change the code
Thank you very much s8un3no. Will try and report back.
If the above History behavior will be included as default for the image will be great as imho I find the current one kind of odd and none of the rest of OE images that I have tried behave like that.
Eventually it should be given as a selectable option, I like it the way it is, besides that there are menus where you can already change the behaviour or as @AlexWilMac suggested by disabling the panic button.
After all, the panic button has no longer been useful, in my opinion (a really soft reset is possible by 10 seconds pressing of STB Power button).
After all, the panic button has no longer been useful, in my opinion (a really soft reset is possible by 10 seconds pressing of STB Power button).
Io lo uso per tornare facimente alla lista canali preferita quando faccio scansioni e ne vontrollo i canali, col tasto panic torni subito al canale preferito e non rischi di tornare a canali che fanno muovere inutilmente la parabola motorizzata


I use it to easily return to the favorite channel list when I scan and check the channels, with the panic button you immediately return to the favorite channel and you do not risk returning to channels that make the motorized dish move unnecessarily
Well... I suppose you know what's in position number 1, don't you? Instead of pressing 0 you can press 1 ;)
And I don't think in 1 you have something different from Rai1HD or RSILa1 (in case you are Swiss)... :)
But whatever you have, I suppose it's from your main satellite, not some strange position.