OpenWebif streaming - strange new issue


New member
I'm suddenly having a problem with OpenWebif streaming to my Win 10 laptop. If I click on the 'stream' button for a channel, it now opens a 'save as' dialog box instead of allowing me to open VLC as before. I have to save the M3U8 link first, and then I can click on it to open VLC and stream the channel.

Any ideas? Is anyone else having this issue? Everything was working normally last time I streamed something, a couple of days ago. I think there may have been a Windows update in the past couple of days, but I wasn't really paying attention.

VU+ Duo2, OBH 5.0.011, Windows 10 laptop.
This has to be configured in the browser...

Thanks for that, but Firefox does not have the M3U8 file type in its list of recognised file types, so there's no way to change the action from 'save as' to 'open with'. And there's no way to manually add a file type to Firefox from the settings menu.

However, I found a solution! I saved the M3U8 link from OpenWebif to desktop, then opened the file in Firefox with CTRL+O. This brought back the menu I had before, with options for 'open with (VLC)' or 'save file'. I opened it with VLC and now the association has been restored - and M3U8 is now a registered file type in the Firefox settings menu.
Menu-Settings-Applications > It is here in Firefox that you have to set how it works the transferred files and the respective applications that will work with the downloaded files.

I do not know where to resolve but, being solved, only proves that in Firefox you can set the applications. Great Firefox!

This was brought in by last Firefox update and has nothing to do with Open Webif. All known files was set to download instead of "Ask"
Manual change to ask and will work just fine
This was brought in by last Firefox update and has nothing to do with Open Webif. All known files was set to download instead of "Ask"
Manual change to ask and will work just fine

I've done some research and yes, it's a Firefox update that caused this. Not as simple to fix as I had thought, because when I checked my downloads folder, there were lots of M3U8 links saved there. Have a look for yourself - check the folder that Firefox saves to, and see if there are some M3U8 links in there. You can set Firefox to 'always ask' and open the links in your chosen media player, but Firefox will now also save the links.

There is a way to revert to the old Firefox behaviour, and it worked for me (but it's possible that another Firefox update might break it):

Set "" to "false" in about:config.
In my case, FF 98.0.1 did not change anything. But this is under MacOs. And M3U8 files has always been saved, even when it automatically opens by VLS.
I suggest you to use the plugin TunerServer which saves in your /media/hdd a folder named "tuner" when you find all your bouquets and you can import in VLS as playlists.
This is what I do and I don't need OWIF any longer.