problem network

  • Thread starter Thread starter chris22
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hello I always have a problem with my internet connection, I send you the pictures, thank you in advance20160319_103646.jpg 20160319_103658.jpg 20160319_103646.jpg 20160319_103658.jpg
I'll send the product after-sales service, it is still under warranty
I can't understand your problem, regarding internet connection, especially from your pictures, as your receiver seems to be working, and provided an IP address.
Can you please explain, in more detail, what your problem is?
Can you access your receiver, from yourt PC, using the VUCC, VU+ Control Centre?

Have you checked your router settings, to try and rectify whatever the problem is?
it does not give me my IP address, I do not know, I try to address the scanner with DCC but does not find
it does not give me my IP address, I do not know, I try to address the scanner with DCC but does not find
Your picture says it does give you and IP address, its your nameserver that is the issue.
What happens when you try DHCP ?

Also with VUcc you have set the password so you have had a connection at some point ?
The error message is blocking the IP address, have you typed in
You can leave the password blank, or type in vuplus, it works both ways, unless you have set a password, in which case you need to use that password.