[ServiceInfo] fix possible BSoD on DVB-T services

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[ServiceInfo] fix possible BSoD on DVB-T services

1. I have selected channel #1
2. Open Channel Selection
3. Press Down button (channel #2)
4. Press MENU button
5. Press Down button
6. Press OK button

< 5317.308495> 16:39:51.6470 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 108 (Break) KeyID='KEY_DOWN' Binding='('DOWN',)'.
< 5317.399679> 16:39:51.7382 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 5317.399727> 16:39:51.7382 [eRCDeviceInputDev] emit: 1
< 5317.400051> 16:39:51.7386 [InfoBarGenerics] Key: 352 (Make) KeyID='KEY_OK' Binding='('OK',)'.
< 5317.400465> 16:39:51.7390 [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 5317.402585> 16:39:51.7411 [Skin] Processing screen 'ServiceInfoSimple', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'ServiceInfo'.
< 5317.409886> 16:39:51.7484 [Screen] Warning: Skin is missing element 'red' in <class 'Screens.ServiceInfo.ServiceInfo'>.
< 5317.415141> 16:39:51.7536 [Skin] Processing screen 'ScreenSummary' from list 'ServiceInfoSimpleSummary, ScreenSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(800 x 480) for module 'ScreenSummary'.
< 5317.417211> 16:39:51.7557 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 5317.417284> 16:39:51.7558 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 58, in action
< 5317.417818> 16:39:51.7563 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 466, in okbuttonClick
< 5317.418199> 16:39:51.7567 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 476, in showServiceInformations
< 5317.418527> 16:39:51.7570 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 161, in open
< 5317.419215> 16:39:51.7577 self.execBegin()
< 5317.419506> 16:39:51.7580 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 84, in execBegin
< 5317.419922> 16:39:51.7584 currentDialog.execBegin()
< 5317.420087> 16:39:51.7586 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Screen.py", line 91, in execBegin
< 5317.420460> 16:39:51.7590 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ServiceInfo.py", line 234, in ShowServiceInformation
< 5317.420796> 16:39:51.7593 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ServiceInfo.py", line 367, in getFEData
< 5317.421176> 16:39:51.7597 KeyError: 'tuner_number'
< 5317.421248> 16:39:51.7597 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap object at 0xa85de198>>,('OkCancelActions', 'ok')) failed)

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