What Is The Last Ver Of Update OBH ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter khafanpardaz
  • Start date Start date


hi dear admins please answer about last ver of Updates for OBH
Just checked and my version is 1.0.026.
Checked for software update and received the message nothing to update.
YEs last version is version is 1.0.026.
I think alot people on vacation and after back start new updates again
thanks maybe it good for release image for install whit USB to i cant access to internet in my country we use OpenVpn
the last is 1.0.026 and this is the best image that has been given to test
does anyone have keymap for obh vu solo2, please i am trying obh but put my neutrino keymap in {doesn,t work} and i didnt secure real keymap.
u can find keymap in usr/share/enigma2.
please kopy it and place it here.
Try to be patient.
This is a forum not a help desk.
Many people work, and have other priorities, so please wait, or sort the problem out yourself.
sorry, i just hoped someone could help me, otherwise i have to flash new.
open blackhole is based on open pli, is there an option like in pli:
Adjust the behavior of the cursor
Use the 'Neutrino way' of zaps
Channel selection according to the 'Neutrino style'
Zaps with the CH +/-, B +/-, P +/-
Open channel list via OK
open blackhole is based on open pli, is there an option like in pli:
Adjust the behavior of the cursor
Use the 'Neutrino way' of zaps
Channel selection according to the 'Neutrino style'
Zaps with the CH +/-, B +/-, P +/-
Open channel list via OK

You are wrong ... Open BlackHole is based on OE-A ... so don´t compare Open BlackHole 1.0 with OpenPli images.

Be carefulll to not spamm, as you did the last few hours.

Next time, ask for support, and wait until someone has time to answer or knows the answer for what you are asking about.

Remember that this an hobby, and not a job. Admins, mods, developers, has jobs, family, etc.

thanks in advance

best regards