MX GrayDots X2B/X2P/XP/XB/ BlackShadow X2P

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MX GrayDots X2

download from Open Black Hole image (skins) server

supports XtraEvent plugin by digiteng

for this skin you need to install xtraevent-plugin as well from Open Black Hole plugin image server.
This version supports posters now and next in Channel selection,
same as the MX_GrayDots X version above.
This version supports poster and banner now and next ,film/tv info now and next Title,Year,imdbRating,Rated,Genre,Awards,Director,Writer,Actors,epg now,next in the second infobar.
So you only need to download with plugin what you like to have in the second infobar.
Example if you don't want a banner then don't download it with the plugin.




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This is just an opinion , i think it will be great to have posters on 1st infobar " now on left and next on right " and 2nd info bar just other info like normal skin , no epg cause we all know if you want to know info about the movie you have epg button also it will make skin simple as all BH & OBH skins are and that what we love about these skins it simplicity
This is just an opinion , i think it will be great to have posters on 1st infobar " now on left and next on right " and 2nd info bar just other info like normal skin , no epg cause we all know if you want to know info about the movie you have epg button also it will make skin simple as all BH & OBH skins are and that what we love about these skins it simplicity

I made the first version
without changes in the infobars.
I really don't like putting posters in the first infobar that look like they are on the scales.

And the second skin version is for those who still like to have almost everything.
I made the first version
without changes in the infobars.
I really don't like putting posters in the first infobar that look like they are on the scales.

And the second skin version is for those who still like to have almost everything.
Yes but i think if posters show up : " now on top of picon bar and next on top of clock bar ", hope you only add that on MX GrayDots X , this way skin will keep it simplicity plus beautiful touch with additional posters ..

Best regards MX
You already done great work
Yes we old dogs just want our Matrix 10 regular perfect as they are skins :dance:
But the youngsters don't watch TV they watch the OSD and therfore i like the way this is done.

Orginal version for me and X for the OSD watchers :grin:
Yes but i think if posters show up : " now on top of picon bar and next on top of clock bar ", hope you only add that on MX GrayDots X , this way skin will keep it simplicity plus beautiful touch with additional posters ..

Best regards MX
You already done great work

So no picon and all other information clock,SNR,tuner
besides it makes no sense
because the poster is bigger than the infobar hight.

I'm sorry but I don't like it
So no picon and all other information clock,SNR,tuner
besides it makes no sense
because the poster is bigger than the infobar hight.

I'm sorry but I don't like it
No MX10 lol , i meant posters show uo on top of picon place and other one show up on top of the clock like i draw on this , sorry for my drawing skills
No MX10 lol , i meant posters show uo on top of picon place and other one show up on top of the clock like i draw on this , sorry for my drawing skills

I already told you that.
It then looks like a market scale.


MX_GrayDots_X2P and MX_GrayDots_X2B

We stop supporting older X / X2 skins in OpenBH 5.0
due to changes in coding plugin.
So for now we have two skins
MX_GrayDots_X2P and MX_GrayDots_X2B using new xtraEvent V 3.3 mod OpenBH
The difference is that one P supports the posters and the other B backdrop images in channel selection.
The difference is also that it is possible to download more
backdrop images on the WWW net than posters.
But posters are a bit faster for the image because of the smaller files.

You can download skins with OpenBh Download Manager>>OpenBh image skins.

Do not forget
You must first install the xtraEvent plugin
then skin.



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I've just installed the newest release OBH openbh-5.0.003.release-vuduo4kse_usb_release_8628a901. Unfortunately I can't see this skin under Plugins/Skins menu.
I also tried Green -> Yellow -> Addons and Feeds Manager -> OpenBh Image Skins ... but getting Sorry. Connection Failed.

Is this skin supported by OBH 5.0 at all ? If so, how to download it then ?

I've just installed the newest release OBH openbh-5.0.003.release-vuduo4kse_usb_release_8628a901. Unfortunately I can't see this skin under Plugins/Skins menu.
I also tried Green -> Yellow -> Addons and Feeds Manager -> OpenBh Image Skins ... but getting Sorry. Connection Failed.

Is this skin supported by OBH 5.0 at all ? If so, how to download it then ?


We have some problems with the addon server because it is a new server when it is 100% operational you will be able to download. Try the next few days.
BlackShadow X2P

download from Open Black Hole image (skins) server

supports XtraEvent plugin by digiteng

for this skin you need to install xtraevent-plugin as well from Open Black Hole plugin image server.
This version supports posters now and next in Channel selection,
This version supports poster now and next ,film/tv info now and next Title,Year,imdbRating,Rated,Genre,Awards,Director,Writer,Actors,
epg now,next in the second infobar.

MX GrayDots XP / XB
You can download skins with OpenBh Download Manager>>OpenBh image skins.

supports XtraEvent plugin by digiteng

MX GrayDots XP with posters in Channel selection.
MX GrayDots XB with backdrop in Channel selection.

2Nd Infobar is unchanged orginal GrayDots.



MX GrayDots XP with posters


MX GrayDots XB with backdrop

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