Recent content by Mick12334

  1. M

    Question to Kodi

    Then I take it that it's not a problem with Kodi, but with OpenBh 5.5.1, as it was working with every other OpenBh version? I advise the Panther-6 to load an earlier version of OpenBh until this problem is fixed.
  2. M

    Question to Kodi

    It still works, just not a lot of free stuff available. It should still be listed in the plugins downloads, but I'm still on OpenBh 5.3.
  3. M

    No picture at 2160p setting

    I'm also using OpenBh 5.3. It's at the bottom of the second page, you need to scroll down, until you locate it. I personally have it set to the maximum delay, of 20 seconds, as I accidentally press a numerical key, quite often, and the time delay allows me to stop the action, of changing channel.
  4. M

    No picture at 2160p setting

    Menu Setup User Interface Zap Key delay, page 2, save to 0, or 1, and save
  5. M

    Problem with update

    I didn't realize that you used Multiboot, I assumed, incorrectly, that you had OpenBh 5.4 in the receivers Flash memory. Which version, of OpenBh, are you booting up with, slot 1 or slot 3?
  6. M

    Problem with update

    Do you have access to the Menu, when the receiver is on Starting Enigma? You can try connecting using Telnet, as you can use the telnet command to force an update, I think this one works, but check online, or on the forum: init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 6
  7. M

    Solo2: Install Kodi on internal HDD

    I'm not sure it will work, on an older VU+ receiver, but worth a try. Have you tried a Flash extension, using a USB stick, I remember it used to be possible, with Black Hole.?
  8. M

    Solo2: Install Kodi on internal HDD

    Most Kodi files are stored on the hard drive. Your VU+ Solo 2 has only 256 MB, of space, even my VU+ Duo 2 has 1024, and uses nearly 50%, with OpenBh 5.3, with the Kodi plugin. I was forced to return to OpenBh 5.3, after trying OpenBh 5.4, as my favourite Kodi addon wouldn't work with the latest...
  9. M

    No softcam on OpenBh Blue Panel

    Each version is an improvement, for newer receivers. I still have my old VU+ Duo 2, and OpenBh 5.3, which is fine, for my needs, especially Kodi. I also use Oscam, updated from CCcam, as it opens more channels.
  10. M

    No softcam on OpenBh Blue Panel

    You don't, unless you need to edit the hidden files, and folders. I still don't know what you're trying to do, so I assume it's not suitable, for the forum, and/or against the rules. If using a line, for viewing satellite, then I still recommend Oscam, over CCcam.
  11. M

    No softcam on OpenBh Blue Panel

    I think the VUCC uses Filezilla, which you can get free, as a stand alone program. You might have to use the Force showing hidden files option, under the server tab. Personally I use Oscam, but what do you mean by doesn't work? How expert are you at using softcams, in Enigma 2 based receivers...
  12. M

    No softcam on OpenBh Blue Panel

    Which program are you using, on your PC, to access the files on your VU+?
  13. M

    No softcam on OpenBh Blue Panel

    When you press the Blue button, on your remote control, then press the left/right buttons, is there only the Common Interface option? Did you download, the softcam, from the plugins menu? If installing a .ipk file, by loading it into the tmp folder, using Filezilla, did you press the green, f/b...
  14. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    If you have a provider, they might have files, already made, for your receiver, but you have to login, to access them. They will also provide guides, and a PuTTY command, to download a channel list, especially for IPTV.
  15. M

    VuCC and Dreamboxedit do not work for Vu+ duo 4K SE

    I never sent any files, just the Softcam Concierge, which allows you to make your own files. When you install Oscam, it makes it's own files, which you then replace, with your own, and overwrite the files that are of no use.