Search results

  1. M

    Regarding Movie selection

    It's not that complicated. Are you running openBh? Go into the movie list. Press Menu button, on remote. Select Settings Scroll to second page, and change Use Individual Settings, for each directory to NO. Scroll down and change Stop Service on return to movie list to NO You can also change the...
  2. M

    Regarding Movie selection

    There's already the option for continuous play. When in the Movie section, press the menu button, and on the second page is an option to change what happens when the movie ends. You did need to adjust one other setting, but I can't remember that until I get time to test it. You can also set up...
  3. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    That link works, just click on the link, to get to the please visit our sponsors message, then you just have to wait, about 5 seconds, until the download message appears. Some users used to experience problems, due to an advertising banner, which blocked the message, and you might need...
  4. M

    I can no longer access via ftp

    I have a VU+ Duo 2, currently running the older OpenBh 5.0, because I prefer Kodi 19.4, as the newer Kodi 20, the only version available on 5.1, doesn't work with my addons, at least they didn't last time I tested it, and don't use multiboot. I have no problems with Filezilla, dreamboxedit...
  5. M

    I can no longer access via ftp

    Only in the later images, of OpenBh, should you need to set a password, in your VU+ receiver. Have you ever loaded openBh 5, or any other image, that requires you to set a password? Which FTP program are you using? When you state you changed the password, in Network, do you mean that you went...
  6. M

    Extensions Menu

    That explains why you mentioned Python 2, I thought it might have been a typo.
  7. M

    Extensions Menu

    What image, are you running, is it an old version of OpenBh, Black Hole, or other, and what make/model receiver do you have? I've never used camFS, or heard of it, before.
  8. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    It's a telnet command, if you search for "telnet commands for Enigma 2". open telnet, and login to root, then type in passwd that's it. Have you got the VUCC? VU+ Control Centre, v8, that's probably the easiest way, to login to telnet.
  9. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Just to further explain, you use the passwd option, via telnet, but you can set a password, in your receiver, through the menu, Network, Password. You can set any password you want, including dreambox, you just need to enter, this password, in the utilities, you use, like Filezilla...
  10. M

    OpenBh Image version

    On boot up it should tell you, e.g. OpenBh 5.0, alternatively go into the menu, Information, About, and look at the image information.
  11. M

    Instaling ipk

    Why do you need version 11.714? Have you tried the current version, you have installed, since you tried loading 11.714 .ipk file? You have a 4K receiver, with a ARM CPU, so you require the ARM version, of Oscam Emu, from your previous post you might be loading one that is for both MIPS and ARM.
  12. M

    Instaling ipk

    Why don't you install the Oscam emu from the plugins downloads?
  13. M

    Which products would you like OpenBh to support ?

    The VU+ Duo2 has the latest OpenBh 5.1, only older receivers, which don't have the memory/power to use later images can't be supported. As things progress even the VU+ Duo2 will become outdated, for later images, but will still work with older images.
  14. M

    Instaling ipk

    It appears to state that it's already installed, so you need to uninstall it first: Refusing to load file '/tmp/enigma2-softcams-oscam-all-images_11.714-emu-r798-arm+mips_all.ipk' as it matches the installed version of enigma2-softcams-oscam-al l-images (11.714-emu-r798-arm+mips). Python 3...
  15. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    I think it's this, do you know how to use telnet? init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 6 Beaten to it, if you do a google search, for telnet commands for enigma2 receivers, you will find many interesting, and useful, options, with telnet.
  16. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Yes, you just send the command, for a normal update, via telnet.
  17. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    There is a forced update option, using a telnet command, or you could download the latest version, from the download section, and re-flash your receiver. Please post make/model of your receiver.
  18. M

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    Do you mean that you can't download the actual file, off this site? I have just tried OpenBh 5.1, and I haven't experienced a problem: Which version are you trying to download? I was using the firefox web browser, with ghostery and ad blocker ultimate, turned on, and it still worked.
  19. M

    oscam problem

    Stai usando OpenBh 5.0 o 5.1? Questa funzione è disponibile solo nelle immagini successive di OpenBh. Vai nel menu dei plug-in, scarica i plug-in, scorri verso il basso fino a softcam. tradotto usando google
  20. M

    Problema audio Duo 4K

    Premendo alcuni tasti è possibile silenziare accidentalmente il ricevitore, provare a premere il pulsante muto, in alto al centro, di solito. Ho anche notato che a volte l'audio, sulle registrazioni PVR, di solito quelle che ho scaricato, usando Kodi, perde l'audio, ma un rapido riavvio risolve...