I can no longer access via ftp


I have a VuSolo4K after uninstalling three Blackhole images 3.03 - 3.09 - 3.10 I can't access in FTP on the OpenBlackhole image 4.4.023. I also have Open Multiboot Manager 1.3.
I am accessing via telnet but not via ftp.
I changed the password in Network but I still can't access by ftp. I thank you for your help
Only in the later images, of OpenBh, should you need to set a password, in your VU+ receiver.
Have you ever loaded openBh 5, or any other image, that requires you to set a password?
Which FTP program are you using?
When you state you changed the password, in Network, do you mean that you went into the receivers menu, Network, password, and entered a password, then saved it?
Have you checked if your receiver has saved the password, or checked if your receivers ip address has changed?
You can also set a password using telnet, by logging into your receiver, using telnet, then using the passwd command.
Thank you for your reply but I have to tell you that before I uninstalled the three Blackhole images everything was working fine.
If I go to network, impetrants and FTP
auto start enable
Current status stopped
If I do start (green button) it does not work
I use Filezilla FTP
I use Open Multiboot Manager 1.3 but it doesn't work anymore I can't install new images.
In flash memory I have Openblackhole 5.0 on disk Openblackhole 4.4.023 and VTI 15.0
The FTP works with the VTI image.
I would like to make this work but I understand that VU+ does not want to collaborate with Blackhole anymore.
Which receiver do you have?
I have a VU+ Duo 2, currently running the older OpenBh 5.0, because I prefer Kodi 19.4, as the newer Kodi 20, the only version available on 5.1, doesn't work with my addons, at least they didn't last time I tested it, and don't use multiboot.
I have no problems with Filezilla, dreamboxedit, VUCC, etc. as they all accept my password.
I shall probably carry out a fresh installation, of OpenBh 5.0, as I've been testing a few plugins, and want to clean everything out, for new testings.

You've got that backwards, Black Hole, is based on the official VU+ image, whose coders decided they no longer wished to work with Black hole, as far as I know.
There weren't many updates, during Covid, and the lock down, from the VU+ team, so openbh became more popular, as it used python 3.