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  1. AlexWilMac

    HowTo Connect your Vu+ with RJ12 port via RS232 Serial Connector

    The guide says: "Then once connected to your terminal program (such as putty)..." But what's the command to connect? Or is it automatically recognised?
  2. AlexWilMac

    Multiboot che non mi funziona su V+solo2

    No, io penso che intendesse un'altra cosa: le immagini in OMB possono sempre essere aggiornate online, ci mancherebbe! L'unico modulo, eventualmente, non aggiornabile, è proprio quello del plugin OMB perché è in funzione e ti rimmarranno sempre due pacchetti non aggiornati al termine dell'online...
  3. AlexWilMac

    Decoding offline crash

    You select a recording and then, pressing MENU, you have, among the options, the decoding offline. Actually, it surely works only in case you've got a smartcard and, for some reason, it didn't work during the recording. It happened to me sometimes when oscam wasn't able to update smartcards'...
  4. AlexWilMac

    Decoding offline crash

    It works, thanks!
  5. AlexWilMac

    Decoding offline crash

    As coders perfectly know, this is an... ancient crash, actually. I don't even recall when I experienced it for the first time. Probably it was even the 4.4. In case it might be useful, I attach the crashlog and the debug log from the last try.
  6. AlexWilMac

    Epg color font

  7. AlexWilMac

    impossibilità scaricare ultima immagine

    Be', aldilà delle sfumature sulle parole, non è così strano quel che dice il buon Logan: a un produttore dovrebbe premere che ci siano più immagini possibili per i propri box perché li rendono più appetibili per gli utenti. Facciamo il mio caso personale: per me, ormai, da anni non esiste altra...
  8. AlexWilMac

    impossibilità scaricare ultima immagine

    Magari potrebbe essere utile ingrandirla un po' :)
  9. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    As a matter of fact I did exactly as you say: I did not rename the old one but I deleted it. And I deleted also the .py after the new .pyc was created at the reboot ;) It's not the first time I "replace" a .py file for testing. ;)
  10. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    It's easy: I took the whole text file from the post#6 (after entering in raw mode from GitHub), saved as .py, let it compiled at the reboot and tested. As simple as that. ;)
  11. AlexWilMac

    problemi con hard disk

    95% è il disco. 5% un incasinamento della mappa delle partizioni. Andrebbe "ripulito" collegandolo a un computer per sicurezza e poi controllato fisicamente con HDD regenerator.
  12. AlexWilMac

    problemi con hard disk

    Io proverei due cose: Prima a installare in flash un'altra immagine, magari la povera BH, perché no, e vedere che fa. Poi, proverei a smontare fisicamente l'HDD e formattarlo sotto Linux. Ho il sospetto che l'HDD abbia qualche problema.
  13. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    Yes, but it lead to the whole code of the .py, whom I used. Anyway, we'll wait for the update: after all it's not.. bread, as we say ;)
  14. AlexWilMac

    Crash just deleting a crontimer

    It works: many thanks! I also tried to create again a monthly, a weekly and a daily one and no crashes.
  15. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    I only now read the GitHub's post about the fix: maybe is the case to wait for the image update. After all, is not a primary function ;) By the way: I tried again by the .py from post#6 and the crash occured.
  16. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    Strange! I thought I had! I copied the whole file and saved as .py and then the image compiled it. I'll try again. EDIT: to be sure I attach the .py file. I also checked some of the lines you edited and they seem to be there.
  17. AlexWilMac

    problemi con hard disk

    Immagine in flash o in OMB?
  18. AlexWilMac

    Crash just deleting a crontimer

    Here it is using your file. Just a correction: the monthly crontimer wasn't actually deleted as I thought. So, there is the crash and also the not deletion.
  19. AlexWilMac

    Subtitles crashes

    Tried today: crash the same.
  20. AlexWilMac

    Crash just deleting a crontimer

    The scenario was: I added a monthly crontimer by the GUI (all that I'm going to report refers to operations all done by the GUI, not editing the root crontimer file). Then I deleted it and I had a crash (but the crontimer had been actually deleted). First time of such a crash. So, I did other...