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  1. AlexWilMac

    Bug? moving channels by GUI vanishes after restart

    Yesterday, in one box, it didn't happen again, but I haven't had time to further checks. If so, even more bizarre...
  2. AlexWilMac

    problema visualizzare rete in win10

    Tu hai usato winzozz tutta la vita: io sono partito dallo Spectrum48K e da MS-DOS e windows 1 ma poi ho anche acquisito le competenze su Mac. Fino al 2016 avevo un'attività informatica e, grazie ale inesistenti difettosità e problematicità di winzozz, il 95% delle mie assistenze erano dovute a...
  3. AlexWilMac

    problema visualizzare rete in win10

    Nel box è sempre attivo di default. Comunque, come tutti i servizi, li puoi verificare nel sottomenu "Impostazioni/Rete/Servizi". Sempre secondo la perfetta logica dela struttura dei manu (che BH si sogna). E' un servizio di rete e sta lì.
  4. AlexWilMac

    canali HD Rai scomparsi

    Ma per questo gli chiesto quali canali esattamente non vede: per capire se sono tutti quelli di una polarizzazione oppure quelli sopra o sotto una certa frequenza e desumerne che sia un problema di LNB o di puntamento o di segnale.
  5. AlexWilMac

    problema visualizzare rete in win10

    @B.D. 1) Io ho usato winzozz per anni (almeno 25-30), ho fatto assistenza tecnica su questo ignobile sistema inoperativo, poi mi sono tanti anni fa accostato a OsX, ora MacOs e quindi li ho conosciuti bene entrambi. So di che parlo. Gli "unici" problemi di questo sistema operativo? A parte i...
  6. AlexWilMac

    Plugins compatible with OBH PY3

    Evviva: come farei senza di quello.... Non si vive proprio. :LOL:
  7. AlexWilMac

    canali HD Rai scomparsi

    Non serve il blindscan, sono frequenze normalissime. Fai una scansione attivando anche l'opzione "ricerca rete", per sicurezza. Quali canali precisamente non sintonizzi? E, soprattutto, non li sintonizzi (ossia non li trova proprio la tua scansione) oppure li sintonizzi ma non si vedono? Sono...
  8. AlexWilMac

    canali HD Rai scomparsi

    Devi scaricare dagli addons la Oscam e leggere in rete come modificare i suoi file di configurazione per utilizzare le card. In rete è pieno: basta usare le due paroline magiche... oscam tivusat
  9. AlexWilMac

    Bug? moving channels by GUI vanishes after restart

    It seemed very strange but... I updated to the last 5.1.003 in one box (but I believe it was already in the first .003 update) and now, if you move a channel within a bouquet by the GUI, even if the moving works, after a GUI restart the situations goes back as it was before: the channel's...
  10. AlexWilMac

    Please HELP!!! Only FTP not working to connect to the vuduo4kse

    Is always possible by powerlines, and they are much more reliable than wifi.
  11. AlexWilMac

    Recordings deletion

    It works flawlessly also by your favourite skin. Incidentally, deleting by FTP or external access needs you to select the multiple files associated to the main .ts. By RED you press and it's done. ;)
  12. AlexWilMac

    Please HELP!!! Only FTP not working to connect to the vuduo4kse

    Please: don't mix topics. And, in conclusion, as it was clear, this is a router-related issue. The most reliable connection, apart from LAN cables, of course, is a powerline one. The lesser wifi, the better.
  13. AlexWilMac

    Please HELP!!! Only FTP not working to connect to the vuduo4kse

    No, actually, not. He won't be able to transfer an image into the upload folder. Unless.... unless he manages to use samba... He needs a fresh image, anyway.
  14. AlexWilMac

    Please HELP!!! Only FTP not working to connect to the vuduo4kse

    If you mention kodi it means your image is not a fresh installed one. You need to reflash or, at least, to use OMB (openmultiboot) to try and install a new occurrence of 5.1 and see what happens if the image is clean.
  15. AlexWilMac

    Please HELP!!! Only FTP not working to connect to the vuduo4kse

    How can a hardware issue?!? Never ever. 1) Have you checked if the FTP service is running under the Network submenu? 2) Have you checked if you changed something in your router to block some LAN IPs or services? The 2nd is the most likely reason for this issue because, FTP service is installed...
  16. AlexWilMac

    Recordings deletion

    1st step: selected 3 items by pressing ZERO. 2nd step: pressed RED to delete them. Notice that only the 3 items selected were deleted, not also the highlighted one ("Poliziotti fuori...").
  17. AlexWilMac

    BBC First 13E English audio channel

    No, the fact is that today the problem is gone. I had also contacted them ;) Fortunately.
  18. AlexWilMac

    Recordings deletion

    So, this is how you wanted to go from Berlin to Rome passing from Madrid.
  19. AlexWilMac

    BBC First 13E English audio channel

    The really strange fact is not just that the audio track doesn't work: I would consider it simply a problem caused by the broadcaster, as it happens even by very different boxes and by a very different image like BH, which is vuplus-code based. The odd and bizarre fact is that the recordings work!
  20. AlexWilMac

    Recordings deletion

    I don't know why your "cursor" goes high because, in case, after each press of 0 it normally goes down... BUT, even so, the "last" highlighted file (highlighted but not selected) is ignored by the delete command. You must've done something different. Is it the 5.1 you are using?