BBC First 13E English audio channel


Staff member
BBC First on 13E, 10834V

Just to be clear: what I'm reporting is NOT only a OBH issue because it happens also by BH 3.1.0, for instance, and affect different VU+ boxes (surely Ultimo4K, Solo4K and Duo2 either by 5.1.003 or by 4.4.023).
So, it is surely due to something they changed to this channel in the last days (before it worked).
The fact is that the audio English track, all of a sudden, doesn't work but, funny, if you record something from this channel, then you can normally play the recording with its English track! So, it doesn't work live but works if recorded.
I wonder if it happens only by VU+ boxes or not and what might cause this "half" issue.
It works on Octagon SF8008, but it's a bit "quiet" :)
It needs to be at "32" volume level at least, while for other channels it's around 10-12.
In my case is not just quiet: even at 100 both the TV and the box, nothing. And, my curiosity: does something change if you record? Do you have a higher volume, then?
This is very interesting. Now the audio is completely gone, same as you.
Maybe it changes according to what is being broadcast - normal in some series, absent in others, etc.
And yes, recording has the audio with normal volume.
It is also silent on the Octagon. Selecting the Polish language with the yellow button you can hear dialogues, returning to English it silences.
The really strange fact is not just that the audio track doesn't work: I would consider it simply a problem caused by the broadcaster, as it happens even by very different boxes and by a very different image like BH, which is vuplus-code based. The odd and bizarre fact is that the recordings work!
Normal Audio here, OpenBh 5.04, VU+ Duo2.
Tried 5.1 but due to KODI problems, as it only allows KODI 20 Nexus, I had to revert back.
Confirm Doctor Who season 7, but I get the Polish EPG showing.