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  1. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Download the zip, unpack it to the root of a fat32 stick and reboot your box
  2. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Maybe you forgot STARTUP_RECOVERY file in the root of the usb stick?
  3. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Please could you detail which other image you flashed and on which slot? If possible enable debug log and enter into "multi boot image selector" again, download the log from the box and try reading it and then attach it here. Maybe in the log file would appear the answer.
  4. Liquid

    Qviart Dual 4K No USB Tuner Support

    I can understand your frustration. If you want a good android box you need to buy a certified one and no enigma2 box have a certified android, that's a fact.
  5. Liquid

    Qviart Dual 4K No USB Tuner Support

    Where did you see that usb tuner support was advertised? I checked on and i can't find anything...
  6. Liquid

    OBH 5.3 crashing when trying to format USB

    The usb stick works correctly connected to the pc? Try to format it (full format not quick one) on the pc and fill it with content.... Probably it will hang on the pc too.
  7. Liquid

    Unable to update opkg

    Try to reconfigure the network. You have configured the IP manually or with DHCP? Double check the default gateway and the DNS. From SSH or telnet try: "ping", if it ping it means you did a mistake with DNS configuration If it doesn't ping you might have issue with default gateway.
  8. Liquid

    Full backup image

    Do you have some enigma2 log to attach here?
  9. Liquid

    Restore the original bootloader on Amiko Viper 4k v40

    I don't plan to help you in these experiments.
  10. Liquid

    Restore the original bootloader on Amiko Viper 4k v40

    All these boxes come from the same application notes, so basically you can use a bootloader and a kernel from another vendor and the box should boot...(the ram amount of the donator box should be less or the same lake the running box). But the application note let the OEM small variation.. if...
  11. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    It should propose you to reinstall the multiboot after flashing the stb
  12. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Did you reinstalled the multiboot?
  13. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    Forget it. Too complicated, too much hardware resource to build android images. And the resulting image was too buggy. It was fun for me but can't be released.
  14. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    In the past I was able to get android running on vuuno4kse. But it was far to be a working android. Netflix and prime due to missing certificates runs at low resolution. Finally since the SDK for android was leaked from somewhere there could be license issue. Then getting the same working on the...
  15. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    Try to connect to the box with telnet 192.168.... init 2 enigma2 And try to read the output
  16. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    I think you download the wrong file... You should find something enigma2.....log
  17. Liquid

    HowTo Vu+ Multiboot in OpenBh 5.2

    So the enigma2 on recovery image doesn't start? You could connect to the box with FTP and download the latest enigma2 logs from /home/root/logs/ directory and try to read it.. maybe it can give an answer about the issue
  18. Liquid

    Decoder Vu+Ultimo 4k bloccato

    si esatto
  19. Liquid

    Decoder Vu+Ultimo 4k bloccato

    Per flashare l'immagine in flash al momento devi scaricare lo zip decomprimerlo su una pennetta USB formattata FAT, spegnere il decoder accenderlo, e seguire le istruzioni a display. Attenzione che perdi anche tutti gli slot sottostanti...
  20. Liquid

    Decoder Vu+Ultimo 4k bloccato

    In realtà è il comportamento corretto. L'immagine in flash una volta configurato il multiboot viene considerata come "recovery". Per accedervi prova a selezionare appunto recovery. Praticamente c'è e ci puoi accedere se metti su una penna USB un file STARTUP_RECOVERY (SENZA ESTENSIONE) oppure se...