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  1. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Implemented most of the todo (see post #2) Tests in progress... in the next day i could release an updated installer
  2. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    We decided that with 4gb flash storing 4 slot could be too much... You would get really few free space. So we decided to let to have 3 slot in flash. Later we plan to let users to install slots on usb. I like that solution because if something would get wrong you can remove the stick and the box...
  3. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    You reflashed the box, or removed STARTUP* and reinstalled kexec-multiboot? The latest download supports only three slots... If you want the 4th back, just download from the root directory of your box the STARTUP_3, modify the file and upload it again.
  4. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Flash the non multiboot kernel with an usb stick, reinstall the kexec-boot. It will recreate the startup files and boot the first slot. Then remove the folder linuxrootfs directory that give you the issue. If you remove the startup file the image manager don't know where to install the image
  5. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    There is lot of work to do to make the solution production ready... However I think it could work but for sure isn't supported the switch to other images. Maybe if someone will wrote a lightweight plugin i could hijack in the image from kexecboot
  6. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    you are trying to flash another image from openatv? the openatv image needs to be updated to support this solution. yes is a known issue... you need to go back to slot0 then flash from there. At the moment you need to do that manually by command line. Later i will activate the possibility to...
  7. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Thank you for reporting your difficulty... Just updated the post
  8. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    There is no need to update. The init script is the same for all the box. I've just added the logic for the other boxes.
  9. Liquid

    Official OpenBh 5.1 image Now Available.

    which image you are trying to download? which browser you are using!? which os?
  10. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Yes until each team will add support for this multiboot. Maybe you can get success if you replace their ofgwrite_bin with the one provided in the zip. Maybe I will test egami. If you want you can try. I think you should be able to boot... At least it should answer to ssh. If enigma wouldn't...
  11. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Updated instructions again. However with 0.2 I will try to let you to choose recovery from the menu to boot to slot0
  12. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Consider that this is a pre release.... still work in progress Strange... I'm sure I was able to switch to other slots.. All the comments from users will help to improve the instruction and the solution Use the instructions on the second post: To switch from a slot to the slot 0 (use it if you...
  13. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    You don't need to write any additional command... That command is just to switch to a slot if the multiboot image switch in the guest image doesn't work. - To recover the box if something goes wrong: - Put on your usb stick /vuplus/ultimo4k/kernel_auto.bin from your installed image (unzip just...
  14. Liquid

    Download is of a Image not starting

    Sorry, the forum have moderate and I think non invasive ads, but we decided to be more aggressive on download.... That helps us to keep up the infrastructure alive.
  15. Liquid

    Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available

    Supported boxes: vuultimo4k vuuno4kse vuuno4k vusolo4k vuzero4k vuduo4k vuduo4kse (all the vuplus 4k boxes) Note: - multiboot over external memory uses subdir like on flash so you don't need to repartition your memory (internal hdd/usb).. - you will need an image that officially support this...
  16. Liquid

    Vu+Turbo tuner driver installation

    Please retry... you should now see the feeds populated and you should be able to download the needed drivers. Thank you for reporting!
  17. Liquid

    Vu+Turbo tuner driver installation

    It seems you have issue by reaching our feeds server. What happen if you open from your browser you should get 403 forbidden. Double check your DNS settings on the box also. Then do another attempt: Connect to the box with putty and try: opkg...
  18. Liquid

    vpn wireguard

    allora.. prova ad installare una openbh 5.1, opkg update opkg install kernel-module-ip6-udp-tunnel-4.1.45-1.17 opkg install kernel-module-udp-tunnel-4.1.45-1.17 opkg install kernel-module-wireguard-4.1.45-1.17 e dovrebbe funzionare anche sul duo4kse e anche sul duo4k.. facci sapere
  19. Liquid

    vpn wireguard

    Ho trovato il problema... Stiamo facendo un test, ma quando ti daremo conferma, dovrai installare la 5.1
  20. Liquid

    vpn wireguard

    Ci darò uno sguardo, ho visto che si stava muovendo a riguardo anche uno sviluppatore di un altro team.... penso che nel giro di qualche settimana potranno esserci aggiornamenti