Vu+ Real Multiboot Now Available


Staff member
Over the last few years, various boxes have introduced Multiboot which is a nice way to switch between different images without loosing the main image you use everyday.

We asked Vu+ to add this feature around 4 / 5 years ago, however they said it wasn't possible.

As you know, we no longer work with Vu+, therefore we no longer have to follow the code on their git, so we can do what we like now without breaking any compatibility or causing conflicts in the coding.

So we have been working hard in the background recently, and now we are happy to say we have a working "real" mulitboot option for Vu+ boxes that should work with all Enigma2 images available.

Currently this is only for the 4K ARM boxes, however in the future we "may" find a way to make it compatible with the older and slower MIPS boxes.

This is not ready for release just yet, there are still a few bugs to iron out (such as the box doesn't always reboot when switching images and requires a power off rather than just a reboot).

The advantage of this over OpenMultiboot is that it does not require reflashing the kernel every time you switch image, this saves wear on the flash (not really an issue for most users) but more importantly, it speeds up the bootup time and in most cases only takes 5 seconds longer to boot than it would to boot a normal image in flash (so much faster than using OpenMultiboot) and as the flash is not repartitioned, it is much much safer to use, than the other Multiboot option that is available.

A limitation of this, is that the flash size of most Vu+ 4K boxes is only 3.5GB and as images are fairly large this means you can only flash 2 or 3 images before the flash is full (I have 4 installed in the screenshots, but there isn't really enough free space to install any plugins), so before it is released we hope to be able to expand this so that you can install the images into boot slots on a usb stick.

So stay tuned and keep checking back as you will see it here first.


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Supported boxes:
vuultimo4k vuuno4kse vuuno4k vusolo4k vuzero4k vuduo4k vuduo4kse (all the vuplus 4k boxes)

- multiboot over external memory uses subdir like on flash so you don't need to repartition your memory (internal hdd/usb)..
- you will need an image that officially support this solution to install the image into an external memory (internal hdd/usb)
- if you are using OMB, swith to the image in flash, after install kexec multiboot, don't use OMB, at least until we will tell you that you can use it, or we will explain you an alternative mode to use the OMB slot under this solution

- update (our) image to support flashing to external memory (done)
- write a plugin for image without a multiboot menu and for machine with trivial partitioning (duo4k, duo4kse and zero4k) (solution provided by Mx)
- supports writing to vfd(will be attempted)
- supports writing to TFT display (too difficult, suspended)

- kernel protection (bind kernel partition to the zImage file inside the slot)
- support mipsel boxes (test in progress)

- initial modification of ofgwrite
- support duo4k, duo4kse and zero4k
- support booting to flash if usb is missing
- support using a fat 32 formatted usb drive with magic file to choose the slot
- support reading STARTUP_ONCE - will use slot 0 as recovery

modified openbh 5.1 in flash on vuultimo4k(a) vuuno4kse(b) vuuno4k(c) vusolo4k(d) vuduo4k(e) vuduo4kse(f) vuzero4k(g)

*** WARNING ***
- guest image on duo4k, duo4kse and zero4k needs patches to activate the multiboot menu.
Patches will be provided later, for now you can leave an usb stick with STARTUP_RECOVERY (read above)
- To flash another slot: You must first use the recovery option to get back to Slot 0, for the moment, you can NOT flash another image unless you are in Slot 0. This is a limit that guest image doesn't know yet about this solution. To fix you can copy ofgwrite_bin and replace the one on the guest image.

imageversionstatus up todayflashsda(usually hdd if available)sdb1
openatv6.4(1)boots(a) (if no external slot defined)untestedboots(a) + patch needed(2)
vuplus3.0v0.2.1+ (4)boots(a)

(1) needs patches to flash external memory
(2) needs patches to start enigma2 and recognize slots.
(3) don't detect slot in flash from multiboot menu (on vuduo4k, vuduo4kse, vuzero4k)
(4) needs to plug an usb stick to restart to slot0



- First of all, we recommend you do a full backup of any image you wish to keep
, you can restore it into another slot later.
- We then recommend that you reflash the box with a clean installation of OpenBh 5.1, boot the image and just setup the basic options such as resolution and network connection.
- Do not install any settings, channel lists or plugins as this is now your "Recovery image", so it is better to keep this image as clean and as small as possible to maximise the avaliable free space left in flash for other images.

- When the above is done:
- upload the attached zip to /tmp
- open a putty session on your box
cd /tmp
unzip (the box name obviously changes depending which Vu+ model you have).
Now you can reboot, then install your backup image that you previously made or a new image via imagemanager into 1 of the 3 available slots.

- To switch from another Slot to Slot 0: (Slot 0 is your "Recovery image" from above, it's used if you started an unsupported image and you need to switch to the image in flash or if you wish to flash / reflash Slot 1,2, or 3).
open a terminal session
mkdir -p /tmp/recover
mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 /tmp/recover
echo "kernel=/boot/kernel_auto.bin root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootsubdir=linuxrootfs0" > /tmp/recover/STARTUP

cd /boot 
The previous method is still valid (except on vuzero4k, vuduo4k, vuduo4kse) but outdated and not required anyway.

With v0.2.x you can create a file STARTUP_RECOVERY on the root folder of a usb flash drive. The file should be empty (blank).
It is supported in the root of a device without a partition (floppy disk mode) or the root of the first partition.
The kexec-multiboot scans for sda, sda1, sdb, sdb1, sdc, scd1, sdd, sdd1. if you have more than 1 device connected.
The file needs to be uppercase and double check that windows doesn't append the .txt extension or something similar.
If you need to switch to the slot0 just plug in the usb stick, reboot or power off, and finally remove the stick after the reboot is complete.

- To recover the box if something goes wrong and completely remove kexec-multiboot without loosing the flash image:
- Put on your usb stick /vuplus/ultimo4k/kernel_auto.bin from your installed image and reflash it
- Boot your box, don't worry if enigma won't start and connect to it with putty or an ftp client and delete /STARTUP*
- Remove /boot/kernel_auto.bin /zImage
- Remove /linuxrootfsX folders
- Reboot your box

- To recover the box if something goes really wrong (you will loose all the box content)
- reflash openbh by unpacking the installation file into an usb drive formatted FAT32 as usual.

- Known Issues:
- Currently unable to use imagemanager to do a full backup of an image from Slot 1,2,3*
- * we do have a fix for this, but currently it requires you manually replacing the file and would only work for our image anyway.

- Finally:
- Keep in mind, that if you decide at any point to reflash the box in the traditional way (usb stick and power button), then you will wipe ALL IMAGES from the flash of your box.

2023-01-18 - initial basic support for ultimo4k package (v0.1)
2023-01-19 - added support for uno4kse and refreshed ultimo4k package (v0.1.1) ultimo4k have no improvement.. just aligned some configurations
2023-01-20 - added support for uno4k, solo4k, added simple protection to avoid flashing the kernel to a wrong box
2023-01-23 - v0.2.1 implemented reading of STARTUP_RECOVERY from usb drive to force switching to slot0, implemented reboot to recovery in multiboot menu of guests, support use of custom initrd (for developers), fix boot of vuplus-derivated images, (vuplus, VTI, BH), released zero4k, duo4k and duo4kse, v0.2.2 - fixes openpli bootmenu (no duo4k/se zero4k)
2023-01-24 - v0.2.3 working at usb flashing support
2023-01-28 - v0.2.4 fixed small bug that caused enigma2 crash for some users

Download removed. You can download latest BH that already include the feature.
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Bunu başaran ekibi içten kutluyorum:Vuplus 4K cihazlarda sd cart girişi olmadığı için MultiBoot flash online eklentisini zaten kullanamıyorduk.Hem MIPS hem de ARM işlemcilerde kullanılabilmesi de ayrı bir güzellik.Emek verip zaman harcayan ve bunu başaran yaratıcı ekibe selam olsun!..Bir de paylaşıma girerse ve kurulum işlemi ayrıntılı bir açıklamayla gelirse bizleri gerçekten sevindirirsiniz. Yokluk,yoksulluk ve stresle başlayan 2023 yılının en güzel haberi..Yaratıcı ekibe selam olsun!...


I sincerely congratulate the team who achieved this:
We could not use the MultiBoot flash online plug-in anyway because there is no sd card input on Vuplus 4K devices.
It is also a beauty that it can be used on both MIPS and ARM processors.
Greetings to the creative team who put their effort and time and succeeded!..
And sharing!

The installation process comes with a detailed explanation, we would be really happy.
The best news of 2023, which started with poverty, poverty and stress.

Greetings to the creative team!...

*** WARNING ***

Next try writing by using English language!
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Hello and congratulations on the project, I have a request, if possible, please check compatibility with image Egami 10.3
Regards (y)
I uploaded OpenBH 6.1, then copied the attached zip to /tmp, unzipped and ran the script Then I did the commands below and after reboot I got a blue screen, no telnet or FTP communication Should I now upload a new zip image from the USB stick?
The tuner, of course, VuUltimo4k
deepl translator

so support for the Vu+ Duo 4KSE is not dead as thought...great and thank you infinitely
I uploaded OpenBH 6.1, then copied the attached zip to /tmp, unzipped and ran the script Then I did the commands below and after reboot I got a blue screen, no telnet or FTP communication Should I now upload a new zip image from the USB stick?
The tuner, of course, VuUltimo4k
You don't need to write any additional command... That command is just to switch to a slot if the multiboot image switch in the guest image doesn't work.

- To recover the box if something goes wrong:
- Put on your usb stick /vuplus/ultimo4k/kernel_auto.bin from your installed image (unzip just that file from openbh-5.1) and reflash it
- Boot your box and connect to it with putty or an ftp client and delete /STARTUP*
- Reboot your box
I don't want to end the tests, I installed OpenATV 7.2 to startup 1 and it started up, but now I can't play another image from startup 2 or go back to startup 0 from ATV


Now I'm on the OpenATV image and this is what it looks like

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I don't want to end the tests, I installed OpenATV 7.2 to startup 1 and it started up, but now I can't play another image from startup 2 or go back to startup 0 from ATV


Now I'm on the OpenATV image and this is what it looks like

Consider that this is a pre release.... still work in progress
Strange... I'm sure I was able to switch to other slots..

All the comments from users will help to improve the instruction and the solution

Use the instructions on the second post:
To switch from a slot to the slot 0 (use it if you started an unsupported image and you need to switch to the image in flash)
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I did these commands, but after restarting, the last uploaded image, i.e. OpenATV 7.2, starts anyway

Welcome to openATV for vuultimo4k

openatv 7.2 vuultimo4k

vuultimo4k login:


Last login: Thu Jan 19 16:24:46 CET 2023 on pts/0


mkdir -p /tmp/recover

mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 /tmp/recover

echo "kernel=/boot/kernel_auto.bin root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootsubdir=linuxrootfs0" > /STARTUP


Broadcast message from root@vuultimo4k (pts/0) (Thu Jan 19 18:12:34 2023):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!


I can't see the update. What is the full commands to return to slot0?

There is also problem with flashing any other empty slots (2,3 for example) from image started in slot1

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So is it supposed to look like this?

mkdir -p /tmp/recover
mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 /tmp/recover
echo "kernel=/boot/kernel_auto.bin root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootsubdir=linuxrootfs0" > /tmp/recover/STARTUP

But unfortunately it doesn't go back to startup_0 either
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Thank you, now it's back to startup_0
New image can only be uploaded from startup_0?
One more question, can I flash Egami 10.3?
Thank you, now it's back to startup_0
New image can only be uploaded from startup_0?
One more question, can I flash Egami 10.3?
Yes until each team will add support for this multiboot.
Maybe you can get success if you replace their ofgwrite_bin with the one provided in the zip.
Maybe I will test egami. If you want you can try. I think you should be able to boot... At least it should answer to ssh. If enigma wouldn't start you can do the same instructions to go back to slot0