Thanks for making an effort to fix some issues. DVB-S/S2 blindscan issues were reported directly to AB-COM in September of 2021. I don't believe there is any desire or interest in fixing the broken blindscan due to the amount of time they have known about this problem. Images for the PULSe4K...
Enigma2 images can be put into 2 categories.
(1) OpenPLi or images based on OpenPLi
(2) OE Alliance images
There are a few more image types out there than this, but most images will fall into 1 of the 2 types listed above.
In general,
Skins built for OpenPLi will not work correctly in OE...
Again, modifying the settings file to the default skin and/or deleting a folder located in /usr/share would not have fixed this problem. Skins were simple a few years ago, and did not modify or change system files. But that is not the case anymore. Lots of skins today change or modify system...
What good does it do to change the settings file when a skin has loaded or changed several enigma2 files? You can change the settings all day and the receiver will still fail to boot if the skin installed files that are not compatible with the image.
I did not say "every (open) images have the...
ANY image is a good image if it has the features you want and if it allows you to watch the channels you want.
It takes a lot of work to make enigma2 images, even the ones that are copies or based on other images. I respect the work that is put into making images and the same can be said for...
The Cobalt FHD skin is a great but complicated skin. This skin changes or modifies several receiver files when it installs. You may have installed python2 files when you loaded or installed this skin. It is hard to say without knowing exactly what you installed. Just because something is...
I would rather watch tv channels than look at skins.
Hi3798MV200 Chipsets seem to have more capability than Broadcom chipsets. A good example is the NASA UHD channel. Most Broadcom chipped receivers cannot play this channel correctly. The Hi3798MV200 receivers seem to play this channel without...
Don't need to decompile anything if you use the sources.
Look at the top of the page, above the OpenBH logo.
Highlight and click on Source Code.
Highlight and click on enigma2 in the new window.
Highlight and click on Code.
Download zip.
Most of the receiver files that you would want to...
What you are asking may not be as easy as it seems.
Compiling the image is easy enough.
Then it needs to be uploaded to the Internet, which could be done again easy enough.
But what about the feeds? They are not quite as easy to upload to the Internet unless you are setup to do that.
How much time it takes to compile a particular image will depend on several things. Usually the more tasks that your computer will allow to be ran at one time will translate into faster image build times.
Internet speed is also a factor. Many things need to be downloaded when an image is first...
I think the SF8008 twin is a decent fta receiver. I say this by what others have written. But the SF8008 does not support atsc usb tuner. The PULSe4K is supposed to have the same or similar tuner as the SF8008. That was the main reason for purchasing it.
As for the custom image, The SF8008...
Edision osmio4kplus
I target fta satellite channels on c/ku bands using motorized Prodelin c band 3.7 meter, Prodelin ku band 2.4 meter, and motorized Geosat 1.2 meter for ku band.
My favorite receiver today is the osmio4kplus. Here are some of the reasons why:
* Receives DVB/S2/S2x 16/32apsk...
Expansion errors...Make sure you have at least 16 Gigabytes of ram.
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Kernel 5.4.0) 64 Bit Server OS
RAM: 16GBSWAP: 8GBCPU: Multi core\thread ModelHDD: for Single Build 250GB Free, for Multibuild 500GB or more
Excellent Review!
Please give us a demonstration of DVB-S blindscan working. I think you will find blindscan is supported but works or performs poorly.Thanks.
I don't think you understand. It is either upgrade to python 3 now or Not be able to update the image later. These guys didn't just wake up one day and decide to make the transition to python 3 because they had nothing better to do.
Then you have the Open BlackHole image that was designed to...
Giga Blue does not offer manufacturer support. So I would not waste time on their products.
PULSe4K has a broken blindscan for dvb-s2. Manufacturer has shown no interest at all in fixing dvb-s2 blindscan. The OpenBh image builds easily enough for the PULSe4K, but there are several items that...
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