What is better quality video image?


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Which processor is good in terms of video image processing?
Old processor of ZGEMMA H7 BCM7251S Dual Core Mainchipest Dual Core 1700Mhz 12K DMIPS


New processor of ZGEMMA H9S SE ARM processor with 1500MHz Quad-core CPU
Hi3798MV200 Main chipset

What is better?
Video image processing (tv picture), there is not much between the 2 chipsets (I don't have either of the boxes you mention, but do have others with the same chipsets).

However the Broadcom processor is better with alphablending (used in skins) than the HiSilicon processor.
I would rather watch tv channels than look at skins.
Hi3798MV200 Chipsets seem to have more capability than Broadcom chipsets. A good example is the NASA UHD channel. Most Broadcom chipped receivers cannot play this channel correctly. The Hi3798MV200 receivers seem to play this channel without issues.
Yes something wrong with this channel (not the channel, the Duo 4K:rolleyes:)... is opening, indicates that it is encrypted but it is not, the Bitrate Wiewer has the value at 0 in the video.
It's not the Duo 4K fault... The channel is not encrypted. The problem is in FCC, when active creates this and other situations.