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  1. E

    Octagon SF8008 Supreme Short Review

    The Octagon SF8008 Supreme was introduced at the beginning of 2024 and is now starting to be available on markets all over the world. The SF8008 Supreme is basically an old FTA receiver in a new Gift Box with a couple of new or updated features. The SF8008 Supreme has provisions for an internal...
  2. E

    Qviart Dual 4K No USB Tuner Support

    Advertised specs show the Qviart Dual 4K has USB tuner support, but none is available in the system files. RS232 Debug logs show USB tuners are not recolonized when they are installed. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.
  3. E

    DREAMPORTUGAL for the United States

    DREAMPORTUGAL is one of the very few distributors or sellers of fta equipment that ships to the United States. I find their services and products to be excellent, original items. Questions about products and orders are answered promptly. Shipping of in-stock products is done quickly and will...