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  1. S

    what is best for open multiboot flash - hard disk or usb ?

    when i use usb3 flash i think its a little bit faster than usb2 i also try to use ssd 120 G as a usb via cable connection also faster in boot but if i shoot down and disconnect from power vu plus doesnot see the ssd no open multiboot -- vu boot to flash image
  2. S

    what is best for open multiboot flash - hard disk or usb ?

    thank you agian for new info
  3. S

    what is best for open multiboot flash - hard disk or usb ?

    thank you i just install open blackhole in usb with blackhole 3.1.0 in flash there is an option in tuner menu which i donot know (( force legacy signal state )) how should i set it yes or no
  4. S

    what is best for open multiboot flash - hard disk or usb ?

    i have vu uno 4k se with 1tb Hd + 32GB usb flash drive usb3 i want to install blackhole 3.1.0 and open blackhole 5 in multiboot 1- for a faster boot : A- install flash image and open multiboot and the two images on flash B- install open multiboot on hard disk C- install open multiboot on usb...
  5. S

    Suggestions or proposals to improve OBH

    i have uno 4kse and blackhole 3.1.0 i can see the signal even without lock ln the picture this frec lock at 28% but satfinder shows any signal even if its only 1% or 2% that helps a lot when trying to tune a new satelitte why openblackhole doesnot have that in sat finder menu signal both SNR and...