4 Questions


I have installed OBH 5.3.009 and I have 4 questions :

1. The first one concerns the configuration of the tuner.
I'd like to connect my tuners like that : A <-- C <-- D <-- E
I can connect Tuner C to Tuner A and Tuner D to Tuner C but impossible to connect Tuner E to Tuner D
The interface allows only to connect Tuner E to Tuner A
Furthermore, it's even impossible to make no connection for Tuner E (impossible to change "Connected through another tune" to No") as you can see in the attached image.

2. The second one concerns the configuration of USALS system. Is there any step-by-step tutorial somewhere ? Do I have first to configure a first satellite and then use USLAS for others ? Does the motor have to be USALS or a motor that supports DiseqC 1.2 is enough ?

3. When I enable Fast Channel Change then it's impossible to have 4 channels in the Quadruple PIP. Only 3 appears. But if I disable the FCC then the 4 channels appear.

4. I was used to use Open Multi Boot with previous versions of OBH. With OMB there was a menu that appears at boot allowing to choose the image we want to boot on.
But now with the new MultiBoot image selector there is no such a menu appearing at boot.
We have to choose on which image we want to boot in the standby & Restart menu of the current image.
I have installed OpenVix, Openatv and Openpli and all these images have the MultiBoot image selector in their standby & restart menu.
But what if I install an image that has not the Multiboot image selector ? how can I come back to previous images ???




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USALS is basic, you simply enter your Latitude, and Longitude, remembering that negative Longitude readings = West, positive = East.
There are several threads, regarding multiboot, but please posr your make/model of your receiver.
Concerning my model, it's VU+Ultimo 4K.
Concerning USALS, when you go to the tuner configuration and browse the list of satellites, you can find the following satellites (in addition to the classical ones) :
All satellites 1 (USALS)
All satellites 2 (USALS)
All satellites 3 (USALS)
All satellites 4 (USALS)
Choose satellites 1 (USALS)
Choose satellites 2 (USALS)

I don't understand the role of these satellites and how to configure them. Do they play a role in the USALS system ?
By the way I have entered my latitude and longitude but nothing happens.
I don't know if it's a problem with the configuration or if it is my motor which is not compatible with USALS ?
I know it's compatible with DiseqC 1.2 but I don't know if it should be compatible with USALS too or not ?
USALS works by your receiver figuring where you are located, by you entering an accurate Latitude, and Longitude, then moves to the other satellites, from that position.
Hence you set up USALS, by zeroing motor/dish and LNB, then use your receiver, after entering your Latitude, and Logitude, to a suitable satellite, then physically aligning it, on the chosen satellite.
An alternative, to USALS< is to use Diseqc 1.2, whereby you move your dish, using your receiver, to various satellites, then assign them an individual position, e.g. 19.2E = 1, 16E = 2, 13E = 3, etc..

If your dish is already tracking the satellite arc, accurately, you just need to send it to the various satellites. If you go into the menu, Setup, Tuners and Scanning, you can find positioner setup, and signal finder options.
Yes indeed I'm using DiseqC 1.2 and I have assigned positions to the various satellites.
But I just wanted to learn how USALS works.
May be my motor is not compatible with USALS because I don't see how to zeroing motor/dish... My motor is

Superjack DARL 3612+​

Furthermore you say after entering longitude and latitude I have to align the dish physically to the chosen satellite... which satellite ?
Any satellite, but usually best to send it near to your true south. Your True South is your Longitude reading.
Does your motor have 4 wires, coming from it, like electrical wires, or does the coax cable go to the motor, then from the motor to your LNB?
If it has 4 wires, from your motor, to a V-Box II, then stick with Diseqc 1.2, as getting something to work with USALS costs a lot of money, and some specialized equipment.
My motor has indeed 4 wires (2 sensors and 2 for the motor) but I'm using a satseeker interface ASTON DS200 that converts the signals coming from the coax cable to the required electrical signals.
That's similar to a V-Box II, which I have, with my VU+ Duo 2, 1.2M Channel Master, and Jaeger 1224 motor, with 4 wires going to my V-Box II.
I have my V-Box II set up, on all the satellites, that I can receive, and have the VU+ Duo 2 set up so the positions match, on both V-Box and VU+.
That way everything works automatically, even when using the timers, to record on the internal hard drive.