
Yes it is possible... since OBH in Octagon does not recognize SDCard, I back up to the Duo 4K HDD.
It's not clear: you want to save FullBackups (or personal backups) on a different device? If this is your question, yes, of course: you can use whatever device already mapped, locally or within the network.
I use a NAS, for instance.
Yes it is possible... since OBH in Octagon does not recognize SDCard, I back up to the Duo 4K HDD.
Some SdCard is working perfectly on Octagan. You just need to find the ones that is working. (sandisk is not working)
The Kingston MicroSDcard in post #31 is working perfectly on the Octagon SF8008.
I don't think it's sdard's brand... mine is from this brand, with 64GB. There are 6 slots created for many other images.

It was not easy to work with the 6 slots...
