Bitrate viewer plugin with info in OSD 1xok


Staff member
Bitrate viewer plugin with info in OSD 1xok
(Tested with Pulse 4K, i believe it works on other receivers but not on all. i haven't tested)

From open Bh Feeds can be installed
Bitrate viewer

but this plugin is not complete missing (in my zip file)
So copy to / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Components / Converter /
and restart enigma/box

In the plugin setup (green button plugins there is the setup for Bitrate viewer)
1.Use Mode as infobar
2.There is a possibility to change X, Y position on screan
3.and Choosing Style

Compact style is smaller and can be used more easily in combination with OSD.
Of course, you can adjust what suits you best.

Test only the plugin first
because if he doesn't work he won't work in OSD either.
In case of problems with image delete




Last edited:
Bitrate viewer plugin with info in OSD 1xok
(Tested with Pulse 4K, i believe it works on other receivers but not on all. i haven't tested)

From open Bh Feeds can be installed
Bitrate viewer

but this plugin is not complete missing (in my zip file)
So copy to / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Components / Converter /
and restart enigma/box

In the plugin setup (green button plugins there is the setup for Bitrate viewer)
1.Use Mode as infobar
2.There is a possibility to change X, Y position on screan
3.and Choosing Style

Compact style is smaller and can be used more easily in combination with OSD.
Of course, you can adjust what suits you best.

Test only the plugin first
because if he doesn't work he won't work in OSD either.
In case of problems with image delete

Please enter the pt translation in the plugin.


