Channel automatically added to blacklist


Staff member
I activated the parental control only for five channels but I found out that another channel (whom I don't need to blacklist) needs the PIN.
Now comes the oddest part of the story:
1) The 6th channel is not in the blacklist.
2) I edited the "blacklist" file and deleted this 6th reference, but the situation didn't change, even after a GUI restart. And, even, after the restart, this reference is automatically added to blacklist!
3) And, very odd, this extra reference does not match the one of the channel blocked!

I also tried to manually add and then remove the channel in question to the blacklist: nothing.
I then tried to delete the channel from the bouquet and to add it back: nothing.

So I searched for its reference among the bouquets and it was not found exactly but I found a ref with 4 chars different: I was searching for
and I found
So, I decided to manually change this reference but nothing.
I then deleted the position corresponding with the actual reference found but it didn't help.

So, to summarise, the real reference of the channel blocked is
but the system blocks
adding it automatically to the blacklist file.

I also deleted all the lines from blacklist and, after a GUI restart, it is added (it alone) to the blacklist.
I believe that there is an inconsistency between the channel code assigned by the decoder by scanning and the one used by the channel list, for example, I created custom picons for some channels that were not provided with them and I had to take the initial data from the page "PID and services" ...


... and then change the number displayed, in this case of the "Videogruppo" channel which here in Piedmont broadcasts the TopPlanet channel and often TopCalcio24, in the one in the following photo otherwise it was not displayed in the list, and this happens with all the images , not just this one from OBH.

30-05-2022 00-33-11.png

So: from 1_0_1_3EA_10E1_217C_EEEE027A_0_0_0
to 1_0_1_3EA_10E1_217C_EEEE0000_0_0_0

Same for all the other personalized picons I created and added.


Io credo che esista un'incongruenza tra il codice canale assegnato dal decoder tramite la scansione e quello utilizzato dalla lista canali, ad esempio, io ho creato delle picon personalizzate per alcuni canali che non ne erano provviste e ho dovuto prendere il dato iniziale dalla pagina "PID e servizi"...


...per poi modificare il numero visualizzato, in questo caso del canale "Videogruppo" che qui in piemonte trasmette il canale TopPlanet e spesso TopCalcio24, in quello della foto che segue altrimenti non veniva visualizzato nella lista, e questo succede con tutte le immagini, non solo questa di OBH.

30-05-2022 00-33-11.png

Quindi: da 1_0_1_3EA_10E1_217C_EEEE027A_0_0_0
a 1_0_1_3EA_10E1_217C_EEEE0000_0_0_0

Stessa cosa per le altre picon personalizzate che ho dovuto creare e inserire.
The inconsistencies, when happen, affect only the last 4 digits of the reference name. Here we have a channel almost not existing included in the blacklist automatically, this is the problem.
I mentioned the little reference difference just to say that this channel is not even on the list of channels. But this is a secondary aspect of the issue.