Cooltvguide plugin_coolman_v7.7.0 python3_all - for the one who wants on his view+ or other demos ...


Good morning,

After many research, I finally found the IPK coolTVguide plugin Coolman V770 in python3. It works perfectly on our demos in Python 3.
I recommend it and in addition it corrects the bug "'partial screen"

Good use



Seen+solo2 openblackhole 5.4.1
Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2021


I found it googling: IPK coolTVguide plugin Coolman
It takes to another forum and it's not nice to link it here and maybe it's not even allowed.
Not working for me.... VU+DUO4kSE OBH5.4.1.008
Using "Cool Single Guide" I have the same error with previous version:

Not working for me.... VU+DUO4kSE OBH5.4.1.008
Using "Cool Single Guide" I have the same error with previous version:

View attachment 5169
For us, is all working fine?
The error above is the same I had in version 7.7 witho othere STB (solo4k).....
I discuss of this problem in thread
and user xRobertas said that he had not the problem with same receivere (solo4k) and same image version; now I've same situation with other version of plugin and other receiver :-(

I thought it might be a skin issue and I tried setting the default skin but the error is the same
