Fallback connection as a client impossible between 5.1 and 5.x?


Staff member
I had a Zero4K equipped by 4.4 easily configured to act as client in fallback configuration from the Ultimo 4K (equipped by 5.1.008).
Now I tried to use also a Solo4K's tuners connected to the Ultimo4K in fallback mode. The Solo4K has got in flash a clean install of 5.1.008.
Well: trying the usual client fallback configuration, a the GUI restart, the box shows a tenth of time the spinner and the stops showing also the spinner and gets stack at the "Starting GUI" screen and nothing is possible but switching it off. Also the complete reboot doesn't act differently. I also left the box on for many minutes but nothing.

So, as I have OBH 5.0 and OBH 4.4 in OMB, I tried to use the fallback client configuration by 5.0 and it happened exactly the same thing at the GUI restart.
Instead, by 4.4, by chance the same version on the Zero4K that has always perfectly worked, was immediately and easy to have the fallback.

So, there seems to be a problem in the combination 5.1-->5.1 or 5.0-->5.1 but not 4.4--->5.1.
I have no problem. Duo 4K to Uno 4K SE, both with obh 5.1.008:

As some other issues, it might be a box-related issue, I mean, only for OBH for Solo4K. This box is not new to have "peculiar" behaviours and issues existing only for its images (like the Big PiP issue, for instance).
At the moment is a little bit difficult to exchange the roles of the boxes, but I'll do, sooner or later.
If any Solo4K could give a feedback, it'd be interesting and useful.
This issue is becoming a true pity: I now had the chance to try the opposite: the Ultimo4K as a client of the Solo4K: same result.
Then I tried by ViX 6.0 with, as in my original idea, the Solo4K (on ViX 6.0, as said) as a FB client from the Ultimo4K (OBH 5.1.009).
The same: if it's not a Solo4K-related issue (but I tried it also as a FB server and it seems strange to me that, in two completely different roles, it happens the same) it seems the new python3 images cannot have the FB between them.

zeberil try seems to exclude but if other user might try the same it'd be very useful.
Next step must be to install OBH 5.1 in the Zero4K or in the Duo2 and try... but it's not easy at the moment!

Just to complete the scheme, it's the case to say that the Solo4K had been for long FB server to the Zero4K when they were both on OBH 4.4.
??? What do you mean? You replied to my threwad in post#2: so I assume you know what is and how use the fallback configuration in a box as a client.
Ohh, yes... it's strange not to work there. Ohh, yes ... is this how the configuration (in your reality) is?

Introduction: before attaching screenshots, if the thread is in English, I change the GUI language (it's not even needed to restart GUI, despite the message).
Anyway: no, this is NOT the way you connect in fallback.
I've been using FB for two years and you go into "Tuner configuration" and press YELLOW to configure the box as a client.
There you can put the local IP of the FB server, the box password and that's all.

Anyway: I also tried submenu you attached but it got immediately the box stuck.
I've actually ever wondered what is the use of this submenu if the FB perfectly works (until 4.4) the other way.
Sorry there but I had to turn on VPN to access the house, and take a print to the Duo 4K... I didn't change the language, but don't you notice?

Of course you realize, you even assert that this is not the configuration! If this is not the case, this is how it works with me and is giving 150 kms from home with an Octagon SF8008 with OBH 5.1.008!

Do you want advice? Put the root image in both, make the basic settings, then tests.

Now a print screen, with the English menu SF8008 as a Duo 4K client... There I went up to change the language, it's faster than using OpenWebif!:sneaky:

zeberil, sorry but you are talking about a completely different thing:
The fallback configuration, at least in the mode I'm talking about, is not realized by two boxes in remote locations but in the same LAN.
Again, for two years I've connected a Zero4K (which notoriously has got only a simple tuner) in a room to the FBC tuners and the DVB-T tuners of another VU+: at first it was a Solo4K, then it became an Ultimo4K.
When you do that, the Zero4K ignores its tuner and uses tuners and channel list of the "server" box.
So, if you are not talking about this, please avoid to intervene. Otherwise do.
The Zero4K runs OBH 4.4.

The same works also with the Solo4K as a client but only if there I launch OBH 4.4 not OBH 5.0 or OBH 5.1: did I make myself clear?

The fact is well explained in my post#1 and I don't want to repeat myself. If you have doubts about the real meaning of the issue I'm talking about, please read that post#1.
I know what I'm talking about... First of all the feature can be used at home and out of home. And you can have the configuration that is used out of the house to use at home...

Another confusion: customer equipment does not ignore your own tuner, use it and only access the remote tuner if it is needed (for example PIP or a recording). Only the turner on the client box should be deactivated if there is no connection to the antenna (or C/T).

This is valid in openSPA, openATV, openPLI... I tested I know what I'm talking about

Curious you are having difficulty, someone claims that there is no problem and explains, you ask not to intervene.... so it will be!
Because you don't even read: I don't have general "difficulties", only between OBH 5.x. and OBH 5.x.

I've been using for years between OBH 4.x and OBH 4.x and also, currently, between OBH 4.x and OBH 5.x. Is it clear?
The way you connect is a different way and it is not the same. Only going into TUNER configuration and choosing CLIENT configuration, is a complete use of the server tuners.

Meanwhile... I finally tried by another box with 5.1, the Duo2, connected to the Ultimo4K and, also in this case, same problem: the "Starting GUI" process enter in loop.
So, as I imagined, it's not a Solo4K fault, neither as a client or as a FB server: there's a problem between two 5.x images, not by a client 4.x and a server 5.x.
I can only confirm after having made some tests that what Alexwillmac says .
Synthetically the fallback Between OBH5.x.xxx and OBH 5.x.xxx it doesn't work While between OBH 4.x.xx and OBH x.x.xxx it works.
In fact now I'm using it between the duo with OBH 4.4.23 and the solo4k with OBH 5.1.009