hello, how can we install oscamemu manually to openbh 5.3 as I could not install ipk file with opkg command. it says "
No emu script to this image now .. ask about it". is there a solution for it?
ok we can install from softcams, but I want to install manually. and also after installing from softcams, can we manually install a newer oscamemu manually when released or not?
thx for answers.
Prendi il binario di oscam che vuoi installare, se ti interessa proprio quello unzip il file ipk e estrailo da li, mettilo in usr/softcam, usa un nome diverso da quelli che ci sono, dagli i permessi di esecuzione. Riavvia. Sul telecomando premi il tasto blu e scorri le softcam fino a trovare quella che hai aggiunto, avviala col tasto OK.
Ora in usr/camscript trovi lo script per lanciare la nuova cam, se lo apri leggi anche il percorso dove cerca i file di configurazione, /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-xxx, la cartella non la crea, la fai tu e dentro ci metti i file di configurazione.
Fai attenzione perché il binario oscam potrebbe non partire per mancanza di libreria
Take the oscam binary you want to install, if you are interested in that, unzip the ipk file and extract it from there, put it in usr/softcam, use a different name from those that are there, give it execution permissions. Restart. On the remote control, press the blue button and scroll through the softcams until you find the one you added, start it with the OK button.
Now in usr/camscript you will find the script to launch the new cam, if you open it you can also read the path where it searches for the configuration files, /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-xxx, it doesn't create the folder, you create it inside put the configuration files there.
Be careful because the oscam binary may not start due to lack of library