I panicked and ruined my VU i think.


I was trying to to install new OSCAM on my VU Solo SE. I did transfer it with DCC from PC to VU+, then went to TELNET like that guy was explaining in YouTube, after i was typing the command i typed "opkg install /tmp/*" then clicked ENTER instead of "opkg install /tmp/*.ipk". After that i got prompted with some messages, i panicked restarted the VU and now i am stuck on boot image.(picture attached below).
I am trying to install new image ,but won't boot up anything. Would really appreciate some help. I know you guys can and will. Thanks a lot in advance.


  • 5c9c1b21-5df9-4f0b-8cac-e36e62facbc7.jpg
    94 KB · Views: 9
Are you stating that your receiver doesn't boot at all, as in there's no power, or it's not recognizing your USB, when booting?

Does anything happen when you press your menu button, after you see the OpenPli screen?

Can you please confirm that your receiver is the older VU+ Solo SE, and not a different model.

If it really is stuck, on the boot image, being shown, then don't panic, just try formatting a different USB stick, to FAT 32, and try the original VU+ image:
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It boots up normally, it reads the TV Pilot : when i click any command on Pilot the eye in VU+ sensor it blinks but does nothing. When i try to reinstall new flash it doesn't do anything. I put it in folder like it should, turn it off plug usb in try to turn it on it doesn't read as bootable flash. It goes back to this picture.
Yes it's older version ,i bought it like 10 years ago.
I have access on DCC(Dreambox Control Center) , i can do everything with the files, same on page (server) :8888. But not on Webif( if im right about the name, the site where you can control your VU+ with IP in browser).
I have only one stick available as of right now, is there any other way doing it via PC (like flashwizard we used to have on dreambox).
Thank you for your concern and trying to help.
Borrow another USB stick, or buy an older make/model. I find the older, smaller, USB sticks tend to work best, I found a cheap, Toshiba, 8GB one online, that's still working, after my Duo 2 stopped reading the last one I had, after a few years.

Did you freshly format your USB stick, to FAT32, using your PC?

Also ensure that anything else is disconnected, I have a USB keyboard, that sometimes causes problems, but WiFi dongles, or anything else, can stop it loading.

Also try downloading OpenBh.
Yes i did format it to FAT32 with the app called Guiformat. It is 58gb and it's new usb. Nothing else is connected but the usb, i will try to get it from my friend an older one from him.
Is there any way we can flash it remotely without USB?
Ps. i can do anything on DCC, it's funny how it doesn't read or do anything when i press any button on Pilo.
If you can connect using the Dreambox Control Centre, then you know that your VU+ IP Address is still working.
Have you tried using Openwebif, to connect, by typing the receivers IP Address into a browser?
I don't know that specific box but doesn't it have a factory reset button in the back panel?
As I said I don't know your box, in mine it's the one in the picture. See if there is something similar in yours.

Have you tried connecting using openwebif?
You can then try the supplied remote control, to enter the menu, and access a backup.
Yes i did, won't show up anything , says site can't be reached. Previous before restarting i could. Now i can access it only APPS installed on PC. Such as total commander, dcc, FTP.
I was trying to to install new OSCAM on my VU Solo SE. I did transfer it with DCC from PC to VU+, then went to TELNET like that guy was explaining in YouTube, after i was typing the command i typed "opkg install /tmp/*" then clicked ENTER instead of "opkg install /tmp/*.ipk". After that i got prompted with some messages, i panicked restarted the VU and now i am stuck on boot image.(picture attached below).
I am trying to install new image ,but won't boot up anything. Would really appreciate some help. I know you guys can and will. Thanks a lot in advance.
Spegnendo il decoder hai probabilmente corrotto qualche file, se riesci a leggere il log o il crashlog, stanno in var/log si riesce a capire il problema e, forse, a risolvere.
Potresti anche provare a rinominare il file setting che sta in etc/enigma2, lo rinomini in setting.bak e riavvii, prima di rinominare devi dare il comando
init 4
rinomini il file e poi dai il comando
init 3
Dovrebbe ripartire tutto da zero come il reset a fabbrica
Per ultimo si prova ad aggiornare l'immagine, potrebbe correggere l'errore, con in comandi
opkg update
opkg upgrade

By turning off the decoder you have probably corrupted some file, if you can read the log or the crashlog, they are in var/log you can understand the problem and, perhaps, solve it.

You could also try to rename the settings file which is in etc/enigma2, rename it in settings.bak and restart, before renaming you have to give the command

init 4

rename the file and then issue the command

init 3

It would have to start everything from scratch like a factory reset

Lastly, try updating the image, it may correct the error, with in commands

opkg update
opkg upgrade
In messages, cerca verso le ultime righe error o traceback
In messages, look towards the last lines for error or traceback
Seems telnet still works, yes? Try making a debug log.

In Telnet:
(1) init 4
(2) ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=5 enigma2 > /tmp/enigma.log 2>&1

Get the enigma.log from the /tmp folder of receiver files, zip it and attach it to a post in this thread.
Hello dear friends,
I tried another old usb that was 8gb and it worked to flash it. Now works perfectly fine. Thank you a lot guys, i owe you a lot.
Good new. Sometimes the solution is simpler than what it seems. (y)