image 501 time

Did you try to swap the time setting with synchronization to "NTP" instead of "Transponder time" or viceversa?
My advice is:
1. Disconnect the satellite receiver from the Internet.
2.Turn on the satellite receiver.
3.Connect the satellite receiver to the internet.
Then time works well. Of course not a very good solution.
I've been using only NTP server for many, many years without any issue. Transponder time was a tricky option, sometimes, when it was the only one under BH. But OBH has always offered me the NTP server capability and I very much prefer it to transponder time.
You can also find other NTP servers over the Internet and use them, if you like.
In truth, here too tonight the time is wrong and consequently also the EPG is not positioned in the right place and there are no changes with the settings.

In verità anche da me stasera l'orario è sbagliato e di conseguenza anche l'EPG non è posizionato al posto giusto e non ci sono cambiamenti coi settaggi.

20220512_230148.jpg 1_0_19_41C_2_217C_EEEE0000_0_0_0_20220512161412 (1).jpg
I changed the image and switched to 5.0 and the time is correct.
Back to 5.1 and now the time is right.
It seems to me there is a bit of instability.

Ho cambiato immagine e sono passato alla 5.0 e l'orario è corretto.
Tornato alla 5.1 e adesso l'orario è giusto.
C'è un po' di instabilità mi sembra.
dear boss


i have a problem with time new image obh5,1 [Mr perfect men ALEX ,,,, he told me i learn from image ok fine now why other member have time problem]
thank you
It might depend on the NTP server, not from the image: if you are not happy with it, there are plenty of others.
But, obviously, you can always use transponder time. And you are invited to use an appropriate tone. I just told about my experience.
I turned on the satellite receiver again bad time. I turned off the oscam and restarted. A good time jumped in. I turned on the oscam and the good time works.